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  • hi there tuna works well for me also we have a low cal mexican one on a rye wrap with all the salad stuff or cruskits with tomatoe pickled onions asparigas ,mussles , or prawn salads .im eating realy well
  • i just went from obese to overweight too was so happy think my kids and partner thought i was a bit crazy ..... but you get it hey ..
    in Yeah me!!! Comment by jcmkbseg July 2010
  • i have never really exercised but maintain normal daily acctivities and keep under my calories i like lots of salad and prawns i have lost 19 lbs in 45 days really just watching my food read the other day weight loss is 80% food 20% excercise
  • hi im a mother of 8 and have just had 2 in 16 months at age 41 so ive gained a few pounds but it was worth it ...i gave up smoking 19 months ago so i can do this .....im in australia