Sweden/ Stockholm anybody? OR Moms with babyweight?

Hello all,

My name is Izabela and I try to lose babyweight, 10kg( about 20lbs) to go. It would be nice if are there more girls/women like me from anywhere in the world. Any moms there? anyone from Sweden, Sthlm, maybe?

Jag kan svenska :)


  • saintsteffers1
    Hi Izabela, I'm not from Sweden but from England, but I do have babyweight to lose, altho my baby the youngest of 4 is now 2 so its taken me a while to get motivated! hehe! Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I'm from England too. My baby turns 6 months next week and I'm losing pre-baby weight - I was fat before I had him so I can't blame the baby!
  • jcmkbseg
    jcmkbseg Posts: 5
    hi im a mother of 8 and have just had 2 in 16 months at age 41 so ive gained a few pounds but it was worth it ...i gave up smoking 19 months ago so i can do this .....im in australia
  • izabela73
    izabela73 Posts: 6
    Hello girls! :)

    O that nice there are more moms with baby weight problem....well I agree, we rather should say we have mom weight problem is not any fult of our babies that we got fat while being pregnant. It was us whom ate a bit too much ;)

    So let's add each other as a friends and give support during this long trip to the perfect body :)!