perthpog Member


  • Awesome Guys, appreciate the feedback!! will start shoveling it down tomorrow!!
  • Pancakes (can prepare the night before) ¼ cup quick oats – broken down in blender + ½ cup egg whites (by bag from freezer section (Golden Eggs - All Natural Pasturised Egg Whites) thaw and keep in fridge) + 1 banana – blitz all together then pour in non-stick pan – no oil Makes 12cm pancakes I found better results with the…
  • The nestle diet choc mouse in the freezer is like chocolate icecream...Only 69 cals per tub!! also like just a small amount of low fat milk blitz in a blender with frozen berries...can add some greek yogurt and honey too if you like... scoops like icecream and is delish! a good substitue if you are on the run... streets…
  • My fave track to commence a run on the treadmill is "Pump it" by the Black Eyed Peas! gets the motivation and speed up there!!
  • My husband works a little less than me, and as he is supportive of my new work out regime he cooks 5-6 days a week, and if we are home on the weekends I’ll do the cooking.. that being said, he usually likes to do the groceries as he thinks I spend too much and likes to control our menu for the week. He is such a good…
  • For a Low carb breaky i make the following (makes 12 portions); • brown 1 x red finely diced onion with 6 x short cut diced pieces of Bacon (trim all fat) • Grate 1 x zucchini (squeeze off excess liquid) • After bacon / onion mixture has almost browned, add in the grated zucchini and brown together for about 4 mins • Once…
  • I weigh myself daily to keep me on track, however i will only record my weight once a week. This way i have an offical mark every week to improve on.