just followed you! am 5'8", 29, around 153 and goal weight is 135. pretty similar stats.
Virgin Diet--no need to buy the book, just google it. basically an elimination-style diet that can help you isolate problematic foods. For me, modified keto also helped. if possible definitely see a nutritionist.
I get the heavy cramps/cravings the week before, too. Sometimes rolls into the first day or two. Best way to combat them is hot tea & a hot water bottle, hydration, exercise, and good ol' fashioned hiding things on the shelf out of reach. But seriously. A good workout is the best pain management tool I've ever experienced.…
nice loss!
if your gym has fun classes, go to those and make friends. Also, joining challenge groups on this site can given you a smaller community where you'll feel more accountability.
@bptrav The pain/fatigue is so frustrating, too. Feels like my body is constantly betraying me.
I'm so sorry you have this and it sounds amazing. I can stretch my upper body--lower is more complicated. I should explore yoga options more.
I want to try swimming more, but the cost of a gym with a pool, and one that isn't hours out of the way, isn't cheap. Am scared something will go wrong and then I'll get banned from the pool...
@jo_nz Thanks--I will look into that.
Thanks!!! I'll look into chair yoga. As for measurements, do they not fluctuate as quickly as weight, i.e. maybe stomach bloat but everywhere else is steady? Hope you also heal quickly.
Thanks, I hope so too. Driving me up the freaking wall, especially as I was extremely active before. I can just FEEL what working out was like, and it's upsetting knowing that if I tried, I'd be in so much pain that I wouldn't be able to walk for days. Really hoping it's solved in the next year or so. (It's been several…
The relevance was that when I was eating foods I didn't know I had a sensitivity to, I rapidly gained weight despite eating less than I burned. I thought I had read studies about medications causing rapid weight gains despite no dietary/movement changes, but will double check.
If it's of any help, when I could work out, got my abs from heavier weights, swimming, and p90x was pretty darn useful as well!
I cut them out when it was discovered. I was just pointing out that a calorie deficit does not always cause weight loss. It does when everything else is working correctly.
5'8", 145-150, aiming for 135-140, eating 1200-1700, averaging 1400-1500 most days, and I weigh meats eaten, and guess with fruits/vegetables.
Thank you for your response. I'm trying to do that because a hundred calories is better than zero, but am limited in what I can do. Waiting for a few medical procedures to be completed so I can try if focusing on core work will cause less repercussions.
Muscle/nerve issues. Limited movement. Most effort goes to maintaining job and standard chores. I already do housework, play/walk/dancing difficult to push boundaries on. I was pretty fit before this started.
Yes, I'm aware of that. I didn't say it was impossible. Knocked out the first 10+ pounds on calorie deficit alone already. I said it was getting more difficult and emotionally taxing given health issues and was looking for others in the same boat.
Not when you eat foods you have an intolerance or allergy to. Also, some medications mess with weight loss as well.
I agree that a calorie deficit usually causes weight loss, but it gets harder when there's less weight to lose. There is, however, a psychological difference between not wanting to work out and not being able to work out, which is a frustrating element in this that I'd like to find a support group for.
Think about how good it'll feel to reach that goal, and how frustrating it'll feel in a few months to still be stalled. Figure out why you're slacking and do something to address the root problems!
Epsom salt baths, hydrating, maybe an advil, foam rolling, heating pad, stretching, moving around to keep muscles warm, beg s/o for massages.
me too! not celiac, but intolerance. currently weeding out other food sensitivities & hoping the dietary changes will heal my body from health issues that have cropped up.
yup, me! no more gluten at all for me. also been messing around with what dairy I can still have, but am currently following an autoimmune diet for my health issues which cuts out all diary (and a lot of other stuff, too...)
@canadjineh Three years?! Yikes! I was going to see where I was in 6 months! Gluten's gone. (At least, I hope it's gone! Gotta be careful with eating out & reading more labels.) I'm cutting down on caffeine & alcohol, and trying to cut out all dairy except for kefir. Need to bump up kimchi, saurkraut eating, etc.Evenings I…
I tested negative for celiac, but have since cut gluten out and many of my problems have lessened or outright vanished. More possible testing to happen next month. If anyone gives me lip for saying I'm gluten sensitive, I'll tell them they're welcome to reimburse me for the medical bills accumulated over the past few years…
5'8" and while I'd love to get back to my college weight, I think there's no way that's possibly anymore. 135-140 is my current goal.
Something's been wrong with my legs for the past few years and I can't run. Sometimes, when I see people jogging past me, I will actually cry with jealousy. I miss running/being able to work out normally.