killerkat89 Member


  • I love love love tattoos....I love getting them, i love watching people get them. I will have to take more pic and post them later. I have about 9 (couple really big ones.) Most of my right arm is coverd. Mostly with roses. I love roses, they are also my mom and grandmas fav. I have to skuls on my arm (one boy and one girl…
  • HAHAHA- I do the same thing...
  • Depending on how your MFP account is set up, will determine who to anwser this question. Mine i have it set to loose about 1-2lbs a week, so MFP tells me to eat 1200 calories a day. That is all readying cutting calories, so when i exercise i earn "extra" calories. Really what your doing when you eat your extra calories...…
  • I would have said a 9 but not to big on the mustache! so ill give you an 8..
  • I was told by a Physical Therapist that i wasnt a runner. I have ran on and off for the past 7 or so years. Started with cross country in middle school, now i have to be able to run to do my job (Im in the Army) so when they told me i'm not a runner i proved them wrong and started running again. At first i was slower then…
  • Yes, you need to eat the extra caloires you burn from working out, or you will send your body in to starvation mode after a while. I have tried both ways. And in the begining not eatting them will dorp lbs, but after awhile your body starts storing extra "crap" from the food you do eat. So in the long run its better to eat…
  • Hey, I am always open for new friends on here..Helps keep me honest. I am highly motivated to loose weight. My husband moved away in December, I dont get to see him again until May. I have lost 10lbs so far, and would like to loose another 20 to 25 before seeing him again. (and to be swim suit ready by may since ill be…
  • I used to be apart of weight watchers, I found i lost MORE weight if i ate both my excerise and weekly points. I too Joined MFP mostly becasue its free. You need to eat at least most of your excerise cal's because when you work out you are creating a defficet in calories, so when you "eat the ones you earn" you are just…
  • I would love to look like this!
  • I'm 5'2. My first goal is to break 150, right now i am hovering around 160. I would like to end around 130ish!
  • Thanks guys. I haven't been tacking much lately. I stared back at it today. I do lots of cardio, and pretty much no strength training. I am very leery of "the other side of the Gym" I am starting a new class at the gym called Total Body Extreme, starting on the 6th of Jan. So shall see what that brings. I wouldn't mind…
  • I have lost weight, stretched, taken on yoga. Losing weight makes the pain less but its still there. I did have one doctor that didn't blow me off, and he told me that the ball joint wasn't fitting right together, but since hes the only one smart enough to see the problem on an MRI, its not there. I would love to get in to…
  • Heck yes! I feel fat alot. Especially when i go to spin class, and there are the girls there that look like a tooth pick, or a model. I just try and keep in mind, if i work hard, maybe one day i can be somones elses motivation to keep going.
  • Yes for a beginner its ok but do you best to build up your time. 10-15 mins on a Elliptial is better then non at all. Take babysteps to build your way up. Also try distracting yourself while on your elliptial. Listen to music, watch tv.,..... Get in to it. Trust me I have been there done that. I now have a workout partner,…
  • I dont think this is a Mini Challange but im In!
  • I would just talk about how much you like the gift. This is how i got my new IPhone (thats in the mail as we "speak." When my old one broke i would talk about missing it and how useful it is. When my Husbad asked me if i wanted a new one i was like i would love a new one but thats a little expensive. But he got it in his…
  • I want to stay on track, weekends are normally harder for me to stay on track. And keep up with all the excessive i have been doing this week..
  • I am currently doing Advocares 24 day challange. the first 10 days are the clense phase, the last 14 are the trim phase. It a real easy program to follow and they pretty much hold you hand through it. I bought Advocare though a guy I work with so its super easy just to walk to his office to ask questions, but all the…