So i am trying to loose weight but my frineds keep invinting me out to eat, and over for dinner with "bad food" when i try to explane to them i cant eat like that, they are starting to get offended. They think i am being to picky...Whats a better way to approach this....
So I know the best way to loose weight is to eat right and work out. I am looking for soothing to kick start some weight loss/fat burning... I'm not looking for a magic pill that will do all the work for me. Im looking just for a little kick start, any suggestions?
For the past couple of years i have had trouble with my hip. If i do any activity at all it will hurt really bad. I have went to multiple doctors. My last doctor sent me to physical therapy. When i showed up to the physical therapy the doctor told me im not a runner, but i have been running on and off for the past 10 years…