You are so obsessed with MFP that you????



  • Add all my food for the proceeding day & then pack it in tupperware. ;) Ok, it's only my 2nd day but I am excited... & I think this is going to occupy more free time than facebook...
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    ...that you log your food while you're eating it. :wink: ...or log workouts while you're still at the gym.
  • killerkat89
    killerkat89 Posts: 22 Member
    That if I can't enter or check food from my cellphone because the app isn't working right I pretty much refuse to eat anything until I can back on the site incase it's going to blow my calories away.

    HAHAHA- I do the same thing...
  • jorowling
    jorowling Posts: 54 Member
    ....go to click the "like" button when I comment on my friends statuses. (Or maybe that is classed as a facebook obsession?!)
    ....recommend this site to anyone who asks "How are you losing so much weight?"
    ....log on first thing in the morning.
    ....religiously read message boards and blogs and get really peeved when I have read them all...cmon people post more crap for me to read!!! lol.

    Yes, I am definitely obsessed!!
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    are totally convinced everyone on my friends list is my REAL friend and I feel like I know them in person =)

    Definitely.....I actually feel closer to my MFP friends than my FB friends.............which is sad, because the majority of my FB friends are family members.

    Totally agree with this!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Had to pay for using international data charges because I wanted to log in while on vacation
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I'm not obsessed with MFP...I'm obsessed with the internet. MFP just happens to be the site that I don't close out because I'm obsessed with the numbers on my scale going down.
  • I stay on ALL day. Everyday.
  • Trinketona
    Trinketona Posts: 190
    I deactivated my Facebook because MFP seems more entertaining. Also will check food before eating.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    probably spend like half an hour calculating calories on here before i eat anything!

    freak if i don't get to check my calories every few hours to make sure i'm not too far over/under.

    get dirty looks from the boyfriend for "surfing MFP for half hour" before i eat. :laugh:
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    ...that i have logged in while i was having sex! :blushing:

    That's just not right....Hope he didn't notice! On a side note, did you count it as cardio? :bigsmile:

    omg hahahahahahaha that just made my night
  • FitnessDoll87
    FitnessDoll87 Posts: 45 Member
    Can get so obsessed that its the first thing I check when I wake up. Also sometimes I get to work from home on my laptop, but I'll end up spending a lot of my "work day" on mpf and get super behind on my actual work......
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Post for the first time in this topic. :happy:

    The app has replaced TuneIn Radio as my favourite and that takes some doing.

    I've been stuggling to get down to my fighting weight for a while and MFP has opened my eyes to what I was actually putting in my gob. Exercise has never been a problem for me, I've just made some bad refuelling choices.

    And the ease of use takes the biscuit.

    Sorry, rice cracker (25 calories). :blushing:
  • You cut barcode's off the packaging of your regular buys and store them all, labeled up in a little scrapbook. Yes I am that sad!!!
  • mezzy11
    mezzy11 Posts: 41 Member
    Me too!! :)
  • mezzy11
    mezzy11 Posts: 41 Member
    Bahahaha!! Too funny :)))
  • mezzy11
    mezzy11 Posts: 41 Member
    ...that i have logged in while i was having sex! :blushing:

    That's just not right....Hope he didn't notice! On a side note, did you count it as cardio? :bigsmile:

    omg hahahahahahaha that just made my night
    Bahahaha!! Too funny :)))
  • mezzy11
    mezzy11 Posts: 41 Member
    I am so obsessed with MFP that I count my calories before I count my money..
    Hehehe..I wish I could count my money as well as I count my calories[:smile::smile: /quote]
  • 50nfit124
    50nfit124 Posts: 21
    on here more then Facebook...:tongue: ..
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ...that i have logged in while i was having sex! :blushing:

    That's just not right....Hope he didn't notice! On a side note, did you count it as cardio? :bigsmile:

    ^^^ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: