musicandarts Member


  • In this article the blood glucose reduction was 4% with vinegar and 2% with placebo. This is a very small reduction. However, I do drink sugar-free lemonade/lime-ade to suppress my appetite.
  • Eat anything you want, as long as it fits within your limits. My suggestion is to log your dessert in advance. Then you can manage the rest.
  • Eat as many eggs as you want, as part of a balanced diet staying within your calorie limit.
  • I don't have any issues with black or green teas. I also drink huge quantities of both. Perhaps you are allergic to one or more of the ingredients.
  • @marymickaela I understand your concerns and support you in your journey. Contrary to what many posters say here, you will gain weight if you are on an atypical like Seroquel. Please don't adjust your medications based on what you hear on this forum. Also, please keep in mind that you will have a harder time losing weight…
  • I have an open diary. May not be of much help to you as I eat about 2000 cals per day and burn 800 cals.
  • Hi Debbie, it is not easy to eat just 1200 cals a day. My suggestion is to eat healthy about 1500 cals and workout for 300 cals. My diary is open if you want to see how I manage.
  • @Petey No reason to feel guilty for going beyond the limit once in a while. However, I strongly recommend logging the cheat days accurately. If you are not losing weight, it is good data to look at later.
  • You should eat all of your exercise calories back. If not, your net is going to be less than 1200. The 1200 calories target already creates a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • @OP. Log everything by weight for a week in your diary, and then ask your original question again. Forum members will be able to give better advice when we can see what you eat. Without much information available, we are all guessing what your situation may be.
  • A nice trick to make you pay premium >:)
  • The free site has slowed down and gotten buggy.
  • @gadgetive @joshuapowell1989 As a service model, we may be able to get enough advertisement revenue to pay the bills. If either of you can give me some idea on the programming and server expenses, I can start building a financial model.
  • I am thinking of developing a not-for-profit MFP like service that will always be free. I am sick of these internet companies whose business model is to build enough customer base and sell out. Services like MFP has no proprietary intellectual property. All their information comes from public domain. And then they charge…
  • It works a lot better if you can find a real-life weight loss buddy. MFP buddies are nice, but we tend to ignore them when we fall off the wagon.
  • Way overrated!
  • Like most aversions, dislike of veggies is a habit acquired during childhood. This too can be overcome by will power and some ingenuity. By the way, breaded deep-fried vegetables are not exactly vegetables. A smaller quantity of raw, or lightly steamed veggies are far better than a lot of deep-fried veggies. Most nutrients…
  • Eating a heavy dinner will not kill midnight cravings. There is no easy way to stop midnight binge eating. I had to go cold turkey by locking my refrigerator and cupboards. You could eat a light dinner, and keep about 200 calories for midnight snacks. When you get up for night eating, eat a few snickers bars, but stay…
  • When foods can be broken down to sugars or peptides to produce ATP, you get calories. ATP is the basic energy entity in biological processes. Salt doesn't have molecular bonds that can be broken to produce ATP. So, there are no calories in salt (or water, mineral water, air etc)
  • You need to create a deficit. Weigh and log everything. It is difficult to sustain a weight loss unless you are adding a bit to exercise to the day. Many healthy foods are high calorie, and may not help you lose weight. Granola bars, Clif bars, banana etc fall into this group. You can have all of these if you keep it…
  • Good luck to you. As other posters have told you, it is a marathon, not a sprint. That sad truth is that we have to keep our eyes on the goal every day, every hour. Put something on the fridge, cupboard, bathroom mirror etc to remind you of your goals. Without knowing the extent of your injury, it is difficult to suggest…
  • Quite often, sugar cravings are just cravings for calories. When I stick to my diet and lose a few pounds, I get the same cravings. I eat Snickers bars, but keep it within the calorie limit.
  • Good luck with your goals. You should not be embarrassed to tell your boss that you are on a diet. By the way, good bosses don't keep their employees at a dinner till 1.30 am. Dieting is a deliberate, every-day activity. I have a calendar on my refrigerator where I stick a gold star for everyday I ate within limit, and a…
  • I love cottage cheese with fruit. One serving of Hood cottage cheese with a cup of Dole peach slices works great for me. I also eat the cucumber-dill cottage cheese with an extra 100 gm of cucumber.
  • Your body may be trying to regain the calories you lost. When I get this feeling, I tend to go over my limit and gain back a few pounds.
  • Log everything accurately. I checked your diary. I hope you are not skipping lunch on many days. You have to eat about 1500 calories every day, and keep your weight loss steady at 0.5-1 lb per week. Good luck!
    in Hi :) Comment by musicandarts April 2015
  • Great job with weight loss. How tall are you?