

  • i am in to.. Current weight 233 Goal weight 160 I am a member of TOPS and am trying to do this the sensible way.. so that is what I will be doing.... I need the motivaiton :smile:
  • I had a friend that said "I really llike you but your weight bothers me" he got kicked to the curb Then my sister and i were in vegas and we were taking pics of every thing,, Every pic we took of us together she would say "OMG I look as big as you" I don't think she meant it in a mean way but still the comment hurt. So I…
  • Hi there, I am from Washington state, just started back here to help with my food journaling. I am an area captain so I need to talk the talk and walk the walk.. Being a leader is a great way to get you on track, did you stay with it after elections?? Janice
  • is that the park by Pier 70? I work off Denny and 2nd ave. I am ready for it to me warmer so I can get back out there and walk... Janice
  • I have done an areobics class and the instructor does both at the gym i go to. She puts a little zumba in our Areobics stuff and it is fun. I am going to take the actual class with her, it is a work out.. I might get the dvd's to try it at home to.. google zumba and there are a bunch of them...
  • I walk 5k's and half marathons. i just keep adding a little distance each week. So right now I have a half marathon in 2 weeks, so I added a mile to my walks each week. I just did a half marathon in May and that helped so much to add miles gradually. You can do it, I have done so many of them. you do one and you will be…