Members of TOPS or KOPS

Hi! My name is Kelly and I am the leader of TOPS IL#2538,KANKAKEE.
I just found this awesome web site to help me loss weight this year the theme is "Road Trip" I am working to reach New York by the end of the year. I was wondering if there are more TOPS or KOPS member that us this website to help keep record of your meals and exercise. If so I would love to hear from you and know where you are so we can work together to make this the best year for TOPS!


  • 5kqueen
    5kqueen Posts: 6
    Hi there,
    I am from Washington state, just started back here to help with my food journaling. I am an area captain so I need to talk the talk and walk the walk..

    Being a leader is a great way to get you on track, did you stay with it after elections??
