Kinsojr Member


  • Hi - I saw an ad in my local newspaper for a lady that does it - to be honest I'm not sure how qualified she was!! I'd ask your GP or maybe check out a homeopath!! Good luck!!
  • So just a quick update for you - had a very quick and painless test done which involved a probe and my middle toe.. So my list is wheat, yeast, dairy, dust (luckily I don't each much of that) beef, msg and coffee - oh and tomatoes!! Now I need ideas for lunch as bread is now out the window!! There's only so much chicken…
  • I'll let you know how I get on tonight - I've a funny feeling I'm going to be intolerant to all my favourite foods!!
  • This is really a fantastic community!!! I know my downfalls - I don't exercise enough and I do enjoy a glass of wine!! But it's time to buckle down now. Thanks for sharing your stories - loving reading them all...
  • Congrats yourself Shelly and thanks!! Maybe if I set the date I might get more inspiration!!
  • Hi there, I technically started last month but have fallen off the wagon a few times since but I'm really trying - each day at a time I suppose. Its so hard to lose a pound or two and soooo easy to put it back on!! I have a gym membership but not feeling very motivated to work out there at the moment plus the miserable…
  • Hey all, I'm due to get married next year too but not feeling like organising anything til I get some weight off!! Hopefully, this time I'll get to goal - fingers crossed... Best of luck everybody Lisa.
  • Hi I'm a newbie too - looking forward to being a shade slimmer for christmas...