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  • IIFYM I eat whatever I want as long as I make it fit.. I've had bowls of cereal to meet my calories at the end of the day.
  • He's also on some drugs to help him stay lean/gain muscle for his roles. No one is going to stay lean on 5-6k calorie meals like these actors do, nor do you have the personal chef and perfect timing/nutrition to back up such a diet.
  • One thing I don't see mentioned: Have you adjusted your calories for your new weight? if you lost 26lbs your TDEE may be lower? Have you had a "refeed" day to get your hormones back in check? read this: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-hormones-of-bodyweight-regulation-leptin-part-1.html
  • You're fine. That whole kickstarting thing is a myth. http://www.leangains.com/2010/10/top-ten-fasting-myths-debunked.html Look at myth#1`
  • None, I rather eat bigger meals later in the day. Huge lunch and a huge dinner with maybe some oatmeal in between keeps me happy.
  • Doesn't matter when you eat your calories, your body will burn the same amount of calories in a day. If you're burning 2k cal a day that's all you're burning.. Doesn't matter when you ate them.
  • If it involves eating less then you burn then YES it will work.
  • So it sounds like you don't have any program laid out and you are just doing random stuff/machines, am I right? IMO, look into a beginner strength training program to get you started. Google Starting Strength or Strong lifts.. Those are very similar. I recommend Strong Lifts because the website has a ton of info. No need…
  • Or you can try, you know - talking to him? People do this still right?\ I'm the most mellow guy but if I woke up with a controller glued to my hand the only lesson I would learn is that I married a crazy b***.
  • Here, try these: http://www.attorneys.com/divorce/
  • NOW. My biggest regret was not starting to lift when i started losing the weight.
  • You don't NEED the whey and you don't NEED to have it right after training. If you can have some protein from another source(chicken) within the next couple of hours after training you should be OK. If it's causing you to feel sick, this will be a good change.. I know whey is easier. I always hear bad stuff about Body…
  • I mis-read your post, I thought you lowered protein.. I'd keep this change for a while. Lowering carbs and eating more protein should also make you feel fuller longer which helps when dieting.
  • Something I saw on FB. I lost 50 lbs since I started, focused on getting strong and still want to lose some more FAT because I want to be lean.. People can't fathom it because with clothes, I look pretty good already.. Anyway, here it is(Brad Pillon wrote it): Speaking of success... For those of you struggling with your…
  • 1k calories sounds low, but if you are female and small I don't think it's THAT low. Here's a couple of things that come to my head. 1. Your body has changed with the weight loss, you now need less calories than before. You need to re-adjust based on that. This could explained why this worked before and not now. 2. If you…
  • As far as weight loss if you fit it in your macros then you're good. As far as health those things can't be too good for you as with any other soda - once in a while won't hurt. If you need the extra kick and don't like coffee pop a caffeine pill..
  • When it comes down to the basics it will always be calories in vs calories out for weight loss. The fad diets work not because of what you're eating but because of what it restricts and overall deficit. For example low carb diets have you eating high fat/protein and keep you super full, so you don't overeat. Anyway, I…
  • I know this is an old post I wanted to chime in. I lost 45 pounds on keto about a year ago. I started lifting and eating "normal" and gained some good muscle. I started a cut a month and a half ago and I'm hating the performance at the gym so I decided to try this out for the 12 recommend days for my category. I'll also…
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