

  • I'm doing this raw food diet going on 9 days now, I'm doing all raw fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, and legumes. Yes, I would have to say it is very time consuming. But I'm reaping the benefits, my skin is glowing, I've lost 7 lbs so far, I'm always always full, and you know its a good thing when you crave for fruits and…
  • Practice! and I find it easier to walk in heels that has a thicker base..maybe you can try that..theyre comfy too..
  • I wear longs pants, it helps with the pose when you put both of your knees up to your chest and hug yourself tight...also, I've seen some people bring a couple of hand towels to help them hold a pose.
  • When my doctor initially requested the blood work, he was checking for hormone deficiency, because my neck was a lil bit swollen, that is why i'm guessing he didn't instruct me to fast before getting my blood work done. I only had a latte an hour before I got my blood sample taken.
  • Thank you for the reply!
  • Hey maybe bring a banana to snack on after class, and/or maybe even before. My yogi has a basket full of complimentary bananas by the register for those who are feeling weak after class.
  • I'm wondering about these natural sugars for people who are, like myself, prediabetic. I just recently learned that I'm prediabetic and I'm trying to get as much info as I can. Anyone in here have any answer for this?
  • too wordy to read at the moment.. :-)
  • I actually have been flirting with bikram yoga for years now, I would like to do it everyday of my life but it is just so expensive...the first time I've done it, I felt my body getting tighter the first week. And the thought of passing out in class due to lack of hydration encouraged me to drink more water..if u can…
  • I am in the same boat as you are, prediabetic, and I also thought of joining weight watchers. The woman that I spoke to was not really much of a help as to explaining how it would work, but my friend explained to me that, it is kinda like counting calories, but they give you points, but in those points, the protein, the…
  • I agree with this, I was also 19. And now at 26 way better mom.
  • Soda, candy, chocolate, cupcakes anything sweet (except fruits) are my weaknesses. I also sometimes replace meals with candy, oh gummy yummy bears. I have to give it up, since i've been diagnosed with prediabetes, and its hard! So far been soda free for 3 days, I dont miss it one bit. This morning for breakfast, I ate a…
  • I wanted to ask, what kind of diet did you guys commit yourself to after finding out your have prediabetes? I've been doing some reading and definitely commiting to cutting sodas, and sweets are helpful. They also said to cut back on carbs, but I love rice! I've also been experiencing some hairloss, and I was wondering if…