online support to chit chat and seek advice for some of them connect through facebook to to keep in touch and such
some people put a picture of them selves up by the fridge and look at it ever time they go in to rab something makes you second think. set your ipod to walking or work out music
welcome and hope you have a good journery and find what you are lookign for
any one of you can add me i to look bad in pics was almost under 260 but the holidays messed it up to much partys people dont think of healthy options
i hear u
yes hope your journery is agood oner
holidays are hard with all the temptation
hello feel free to add me my one friend miranda mom is also preg and on here look her up congrats on your first
My family is not very supportive if i say i lost a pound they be like where did you lose it. They come back and say your sister is walking or your sister losta pound and has not had soda heck they even think i parent wrond some times. i told them i am my own parent and i am not my cuz
lets start a trend to being heal;thy
i was overweight as a child my mother always gave me seconds sometimes thirds. I was active some bowling some basketball with friends and bike riding but most times was video games and a soda or chips. then i got older and lived on my own and always made sure had plenty of soda on hand would go through two or three 3…
i like both but my wife total rocks her short hair style i told her i love it and glad she is happy with it. love tosee her smile
feel free to add me i am looking to stay postivitive and get under the 200 mark my family does not give it except for my wife so lets cheer each other on
yeah i am trying to get under 200 lbs to but my goal is by my birthday in feb stay strong
yes its hard some times to stay motivated i my self need to lose some 50 more pounds that would put me at 200 not sure if i want to go lower u can do it
rock on
very good i was the same way I am one of the biggest guys in family and all i hear is how so and so lost it and your sister is down this. and if you keep the way your eating your going to die i started in a 52 pants now down to a 46 add me
feel free to add me always lookign for new words of wisdom
my sons snack is a juice box adam and eve ones and a applesauce that is waht he requested
you need to find your inner self and want to do it for you and try to get a good supporting cast around yopu
feel free to add me if you want good luck
that has happen to my friends and we all got off the ride and the manger of the park tried giving us free passes to come pack but said sorry we were upset and he tried to bribe us we stuck with are friend
feel free to add me i am on here just in a rut right now cant seem to get passed that 260 ish mark
i think i can get that much i am always walking at work
feel free to add me on daily and looking for good people to
i am the same way feel free to add me just try to eat some snack ever few hours fruit or even popped popcorn good luck
feel free to add me
stay strong and you will over come anything thats put in your way
its hard i try to drink more water or water with mio in it. water fills you up and try to eat more fruits or apples
me to i have 4 years yet to shed some pounds we all can do it if we put are mind to it add me