I'm sure we'll be better than ever, after all, we've had some practice at this whole weight-loss thing! I was going to do it, but I do better when I have the numbers in front of my face, it turns out.
I think if you go to food-goals, it tells you how much you burn in a typical day, which would be how many calories you can eat without gaining anything.
pumpple cake wins every time.
what's wrong with white pants?
what kind of masochist came up with that perfume one?
mostly I just have trouble imagining how much it'd really help...
as bad as it sounds, it's so rewarding when someone notices you're thinner without you saying a thing.
I'd like to point out that if you can excercise, you should. It'll be better for your body than just dieting, and you'll look much better at your ideal weight.
I am heavily considering just making tons of delicious food so that they'll gain weight and I'll look better by comparison....
The pictures are actually really impressive, you're working out, right? Because DAMN, that last picture looks amazing, your entire body composition is great.
conversely though, great is it to have someone point out that you've lost weight?
Never had anything like the above said to me, but my dad said something like "So you're finally doing something" when he found out I had started running. He honestly thought that was the best way to show his support, though, and I must say it stings a lot less now.