

  • i had a bowl of cheerios with skimmed milk - not very exciting compared to you lot! Lol!
  • Thats probably one of the most inspirational things iv read Paul, thanks. Your so right, sometimes when you look back you cant help but feel that way. But your right, im here to change that and i will! Thanks for all the tips above! Definitely useful! Any recepies you have are welcome! :)
    in Hi Everyone Comment by Pinky22 June 2010
  • well i had mt first way in today an lost 5lb soooo proud of myself! Are there any recepie threads?
  • Hi Claire, Im Sinead, i live just outside Belfast. :) Your doing great hopefully ill be able to follow in all ur footsteps! Its amazing the difference it makes just writing things down everyday! :)
  • Do you know how to edit how much you want to lose a week?
    in Hi Everyone Comment by Pinky22 June 2010
  • That is amazing i wish i could do that too! I just wish i could be so determined everyday! Ill get days where im so good then other days i just cant help myself! Your such an inspiration!