June Starters - June21

Well it is Tuesday and I didn't see a thread started yesterday so here it is. If there is one maybe you can point me to it and we will forget this one! :smile:

I am up 2 ounces. 146.2

I have decided to focus on getting back to working out 5 days a week again. I have really been slacking the past couple of weeks. I started by getting up an hour earlier this morning so I could do the elliptical. Hopefully I will keep enough energy to do the shred or a bosu workout later tonight. Working out in the evening really worked for me all winter and spring, but in the summer I think I spend too much time outside and I am exhausted and lethargic in the evenings, I just want to veg.

Hope everyone has a great week.


  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    HI! I was searching for the thread too. lol Thought I missed it.

    Had the best weekend EVER. The only thing that could've made it better is if it were a little longer.

    I'm going to pre weigh in tomorrow to see where I'm at.

    We did do a 25+ mile bike Sat. I thought for sure I was gonna die! I was pulling Elly in the trailor so that was an added 45-50 lbs! We even kept a steady pace of 15 MPH or more! :noway: :noway: :noway: :bigsmile:
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    Wow 25 miles! Good job busymom!

    I was down another pound on Monday, but I'm sure I was lower during the week because I wasn' t so great this weekend. :sad:

    LW: 191.0

    I've kind of been slacking yesterday and today too. Hopefully I'll get back on track very soon.
  • Pinky22
    Pinky22 Posts: 8
    well i had mt first way in today an lost 5lb soooo proud of myself!
    Are there any recepie threads?
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    busymom - thats awesome. I am glad you had such a great time. Way to go on the bike ride. Your a superstar.

    Shanna- great job on the weigh in. A pound is a pound. I hope you can get back into the groove. You can do it!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Hi Pinky, there is a whole section for recipes on the main message board options... the community home page. Congratulations on your 5 pound loss.
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Pinky well done fab weight loss ,I have just been looking at the recipes there are some lovely ones on there ,need to try a few :)
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Where is everyone?? Come on JS's even if you don't want to weigh in, how about a check in?
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm here I'm here!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Guess what! I'm wearing LEGGINGS! Yep! Black capri leggings! TO WORK! :noway: :noway: :love: :smooched: I love this site!

    I'm interested to see what my weight will be. Somehow I just know it'll be a gain.

    I was up early and on the elliptical this morning. :bigsmile:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Yay you with the leggings. I love the look but haven't had the nerve.

    I got up at 5 to make sure I got the elliptical in today. Makes you feel good to have that out of the way doesn't it.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    It def does! I just need to do it more often!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    We need to do pics again!!!!


  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    busymom you look amazing!!!! Keep up the good work!

    I'm slipping off the wagon again. I'm starting the 30 day shred again tomorrow and will finish it!!! Dress fitting in 37 days, wedding in 72!

    Anyone want to do the shred with me?
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Shannah- I'm slipping too! lol I keep thinking well I can eat this because I'm having my wisdom teeth out next week and can't eat it then.... :noway:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Shannah- I will shred with you. I have not done it in about 2 weeks. I threaten to every day but never get around to it. If someone holds me to it maybe I will actually follow through.

    Busymom- you know it doesn't work that way. Besides I think you will find that what you can eat packs a ton of calories so eat better this week to pre-empt any excess next week. When I had my wisdom teeth out I ate pudding, hashed potatoes (extra butter and milk to make them gooier), custard, yogurts, applesauce, soup cooled down, cream corn, scrambled eggs with melted cheese....
    You can eat more than you think, I am sure there are much healthier ideas I did not think of but I was 17 so my mom spoiled me with a lot of sweet stuff!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    lol momto- i do KNOW better but it's just a stupid mentality. I likehow you turned it around though! I'm totally gonna have to make myself do extra good so I can get ready for it!
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    Shannah- I will shred with you. I have not done it in about 2 weeks. I threaten to every day but never get around to it. If someone holds me to it maybe I will actually follow through.

    yay! I need someone to hold me to it as well! I plan to get up early and do it before work...we'll see how that goes. :yawn: if not I'll do it after work.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    My plan is to shred right after I am done working tonight at 5 before my husband heads out tonight. I will check in later Shanna!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Lw- 146.4
    CW- 149

    I'm ok with this though really. It was cool to see my ticker at 49 lbs lost but last week was an insane loss I knew not to trust so I'm good. :smile:

    I've got a busy weekend hopefully filled with some sort of excercise. :happy:
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    My plan is to shred right after I am done working tonight at 5 before my husband heads out tonight. I will check in later Shanna!

    Great! I didn't manage to wake up this morning but I plan to do it as soon as my fiance leaves for work around 9:00pm. I'll let you know how it goes :smile:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Lw- 146.4
    CW- 149

    I'm ok with this though really. It was cool to see my ticker at 49 lbs lost but last week was an insane loss I knew not to trust so I'm good. :smile:

    I've got a busy weekend hopefully filled with some sort of excercise. :happy:

    Last weeks loss was huge so I am glad you see the balance and are not discouraged. You are doing great. Still in the 140's too so wooohooo. :happy: