CherylsTime Member


  • Oh yes, I certainly identify with that. I lost 23, then had to travel for work and got off track. That was May and I have struggled ever since. I actually gained 10 back. I didn't quit, though. Now I am finally getting it again and starting to make the scale move in the right direction. I just had to track the calories and…
  • This sounds like a great group! I sure need some inspiration. I lost 23 pounds and gained half back. Spending most of a month out of town for work did me in. I just can't get my mojo back! I have the trackers on my Droid. I wish I could get the groups there too.
  • I have this problem also. I find that green tea really helps.
  • Jen is right. Eat healthy and COUNT EVERYTHING. Add consistent exercise and you will be seeing results and feeling better soon. Don't shut yourself away. Enjoy your life at any weight.
  • Welcome! 25 pounds is great! I have struggled to lose 18 since last April. Most came off by the middle of the summer and I keep bouncing up and down a the same few pounds now. The holidays and food at work didn't help. Now is time to get back on track. I have been reading a lot, but not really getting involved. Maybe that…
  • That is a wonderful difference! You give me hope!
  • My mom used to make rhubarb sauce and add strawberry Jello. We had it over toast in the morning.
  • That is wonderful! I can't wait to see that on my scale!