
Does anyone else have this huge fear that they will do everything right and still not lose weight? Or that they will lose weight for a short time and then randomly stop losing weight? Or that after losing weight it will all just creep back and make all this self control mean nothing?


  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I bet you'd have a hard time find someone on here that does not feel this way. Every time I take a stab at losing weight, I lose a little more and then gain a little less back... but I don't want to be doing this forever. It feels impossible. I gain 100 lbs throughout college and for a few months after. I joined my first gym ten years ago and I am still working at this. What if it is impossible? What if I never again get below 200 lbs? What if I do lose it? How will I ever keep it off?

    I guess it is about taking it one day at a time, one week at a time, one pound at a time, 5 lbs at a time. If I do everything right - the weight WILL come off.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member

    Or maybe I am wrong! Lol!
  • CherylsTime
    CherylsTime Posts: 11 Member
    Oh yes, I certainly identify with that. I lost 23, then had to travel for work and got off track. That was May and I have struggled ever since. I actually gained 10 back. I didn't quit, though. Now I am finally getting it again and starting to make the scale move in the right direction. I just had to track the calories and exercise every day. Key work EVERY DAY! The key is to care every day. That is the hard part.

    Just don't give up!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member

    LOL! :laugh:

    Seriously agree with the above though. No way have I gone to all this effort of doing everything right, the weight falling off and feeling great about myself to regain any of it.
  • I used to feel that way. After 6 months of being really involved in this process I have realized that if I take care of myself my body will show it's appreciation by shrinking. Fear can cause stress and stress will hinder progress. Take it one day at a time, try to look at a smaller version of the big picture until you feel comfortable.

    You can do it :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Does anyone else have this huge fear that they will do everything right and still not lose weight? Or that they will lose weight for a short time and then randomly stop losing weight? Or that after losing weight it will all just creep back and make all this self control mean nothing?

    These are legitimate questions. The answer is that if you make this a long term lifestyle journey, rather than just about losing X pounds, the weight will come off eventually. None of us added weight over night and it sure isn't coming off overnight. I suspect that most of the folks here would agree that it took less time to lose the weight (once they committed themselves to a healthy lifestyle) than it did to gain the weight.

    as far as randomly stop losing weight....sure, your body will not lose weight consistently. There will be some periods of adjustment...some periods where you will need to change something up to trick your body...and some plateaus that you have to work through. However, if you treat this as a lifestyle and not a diet, you just accept this as part of the lifestyle. Stay true to the healthy lifestyle and the weight will eventually come off.

    as far as "weight creeping back and the self control meaning nothing"....um, if you maintain self control, the weight will not creep back. sure, you may have some up and down fluctuations along the way that are normal, but I'm assuming this question is a fear that most or all of the weight will come back. It will if this is only a diet and not a lifestyle. It did for me when I treated it as a diet in 2005, lost 50, and gained it back (plus some). This time its a lifestyle for me and I'm going to fight the big, bad complacency creep as I approach my goal.