Shocked by the Scales.

Just got on the scales for the first time in around three months... to discover a gain of 13lbs (6kg) AHHH! So, I'm trying to get back on track. I've moved interstate to a really cold climate - think snow - so running is quite hard and I'm yet to join a gym (looking into it next week). I want to get back to 'my' ideal weight - which is 9kg away...

The weight gain came from not exercising as much as I used to, living with my family again who have spoiled me with wonderful food and a bit of binge eating from emotional and anxiety problems that prompted me to move back with my family.

Question is... what's the best way to get back into shape. Low carb diets? Cabbage Soup? Detoxing? I want to loose the 6kg ASAP and then loosen up a bit with the last few kg.

I'm so depressed, I don't want to go out, see anyone or enjoy myself because I'm embarrassed - I want to get back into my old clothes, get my confidence and get the weight off AS SOON AS I CAN!

Thank you very much from a very depressed and confidence deprived girl.


  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good old hard work is the best way. No quick fix. Think healthy foods and lots of exercise. Both which will lift your spirits. You will soon be soaring high again. Best wishes to you.
  • cat364
    cat364 Posts: 14
    Well said jellyfish... couldn't agree more!!! :happy:
  • cat364
    cat364 Posts: 14
    Well said jellyfish... couldn't agree more!!! :happy:
  • kelley4123
    kelley4123 Posts: 100 Member
    How about doing an exercise dvd in the warmth of your home? and stick to eating calories what mfp tells you too, mine is 1200 per day. I am currently having 2 protein shake a day, fruit for snacks and one healthy balanced meal, been doing this for a week and lost 2.8 pounds!
    Hope this helps!
  • CherylsTime
    CherylsTime Posts: 11 Member
    Jen is right. Eat healthy and COUNT EVERYTHING. Add consistent exercise and you will be seeing results and feeling better soon. Don't shut yourself away. Enjoy your life at any weight.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    You can say that again!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Firstly don't be ashamed or embarrassed. Things happen in life and we all have our ups and downs.

    On the bright side you're in the best place to do something about improving your situation.:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Before I get a hundred people attacking my opinion I need to make the disclaimer that I'm not an expert, just someone sharing their experience.

    I think you could begin by just working on sticking to your calorie allowance for the first week, this will have an affect as you will be eating less than you have been.

    Once you've managed that you could look at focusing on something more specific e.g - reducing sugar, increasing the amount of fresh fruit and veg you eat or increasing your protein.

    In regards to exercise again begin small by just making an effort to be more active and then build in some exercise every other day.

    I have found that small manageable steps are a sure way to success.

    All the best and I can't wait to hear about your wonderful results.