sirrah17 Member


  • I am always dealing with constipation, and I know it can be so uncomfortable. A few things that work for me: pineapple tuna fish (don't know why) a cheese sauce (alfredo, nacho cheese, etc.) a cigarette (I don't smoke on a regular basis but know some folks who do. A cigarette and a cup of coffee get me going usually. When…
  • Guilty! Outlook, Lync (messenger service), Firefox, Excel, Access And in Windows 7 you can drag and drop! I also work on two monitors so... Outlook and Lync open on the left. Firefox and Excel open on the right. Access and some internal applications are my flexies ~ I move them depending on my needs.
  • This might sound strange, but my goal is to withdraw some at work. I want to be me, but I want to be a more private, professional me. My boss is leaving early in January so I have the opportunity to shine and take on some new responsibilities in a field where opportunities for growth are scarce. I feel like I need to share…
  • Silver jeans ARE awesome. I agree.
  • Have you tried buying a pair that fits through the hips and then having the waist altered? It might be costly, but it might be worth the investment when you think about how many wears you'll get out of a pair of jeans that is tailored to your body.
  • Nice job! Definitely a success story!
  • Me too! I have no idea what I actually look like. Some days I feel like a huge whale and think it is the only thing people see about me. Some days I look in the mirror and think I am pretty cute even if I am overweight. Some days I get a glimpse of myself in a mirror or window and don't recognize the body. I actually ask…
  • Jealous you had a pizza roll. My lunch sucked today. Me: Chocolate Pepper
  • Now I am intrigued --- the ending sucks? Will keep reading because I thought I knew where it was going, but maybe I don't after all.
  • Forgot to include this ~ The one part I did enjoy is the banter between Ana and Christian via email. If the entire book were written in that mode, I may have enjoyed it more.
  • I am slowly making my way through the first one at the insistence of my friends. And if I have to read about Ana's inner goddess or subconscious or becoming flush one more time I might puke. My biggest criticism is how unbelievable the storyline is-- what early 20s girl who has just finished college and never had a sexual…
  • Inform management in writing (and not anonymously). Doing so verbally is a good start, but if the manager at your location wants documentation she'll need something in writing.
  • I use Medline Skin Repair Cream. The hospital where my Dad stayed for a few weeks used it, and we fell in love with it. I ordered it from Walgreens -- kinda difficult to find.
  • Stop at a good bakery and get ONE! Plan for it, enjoy it, and move on. For me, when I am really craving something I am better off finding a way to make that work in my plan or substituting it for something close. Otherwise, I'll eat everything else in the house and still eat the cookie too. Lately, iced tea with splenda…
    in Help! Comment by sirrah17 August 2012
  • Recently saw a photo of myself on FB that is just terribly unflattering and embarrassing. On top of the fact that I am pale because my skin never saw the summer sun, it's a mess! Saggy boobs (despite a good bra), cankles, double chin, huge arms. And let me assure you -- I removed that tag pronto! It is amazing how the mind…
  • Comfort wasn't much of an issue for me. Maybe if I had a long day, I might find it irritating toward the end of the night, but it's easy enough to slip off if that's the case. I made it a point to keep my strap clean -- especially if I was working out a lot -- to avoid a build up of bacteria. May sound weird -- but I'd…
  • I wore mine on and off for about two years. At times, I found it really helpful, and at others it was just an annoyance. Pros: ~motivating to see what little bursts of activity can do for your overall daily calorie burn ~easy to use ~newer versions sync to smart phones (which might eliminate the need for the digital…
  • I really can't think of too many things (besides the obvious) that I would not pay for if I had the money to do so.
  • I really enjoy living in Omaha (it's not so bad...even though people like to put it down), but you gotta follow your dream no matter what other people think. What's the worst that can happen? You go and then find out that the grass isn't greener?
  • If it hurt, it hurt. You're entitled to feeling hurt. Your friend probably didn't mean any harm. Give her the benefit of the doubt. Take care.
  • I didn't read all of the replies, so forgive me if this is a repeat. I agree with most of the responses -- have a party! And wear a pretty dress if you want to! If you are concerned about people thinking they have to bring a gift even though you are asking them not to, what about asking people to donate to the American…
  • I've also heard of folks adding peanut butter and/or cocoa powder.
  • I am a former teacher....does that count? Make sure you are completing all the requirements so that you know you are, in fact, being considered. Often, if your application file is at all incomplete, you won't be considered. Calling the districts' HR office is not out of line. They'll happily check to make sure they have…
  • At less than 1000 calories per day, you might be putting your body into starvation mode. It will react by storing fat because it thinks you aren't going to feed it. Is the 1000 goal recommended to you by a doctor? I just don't think anything below 1200 is realistic or healthy. Seriously, try eating more. You might bust…
  • I am also new to this site. Have been using other sites but was looking for something free. Lisa ~ start small! Change just one or two things at a time (cut out pop, add a morning walk, write everything down, etc). Doing too much all at once sometimes overwhelms people.
    in Newbee!!! Comment by sirrah17 June 2010