50 Shades of Grey....Love it or Hate it?




    I enjoyed reading all 3. That Christian Grey is something else. Whew!!!
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    There are much better erotica writers out there. I thought 50 Shades was weak, unimaginative and too redundant to be sexy.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    There are much better erotica writers out there. I thought 50 Shades was weak, unimaginative and too redundant to be sexy.

    Also - seemed to be written on an 8th grade reading level. Even the author doesnt get why its so popular...
  • sirrah17
    sirrah17 Posts: 26 Member
    I am slowly making my way through the first one at the insistence of my friends. And if I have to read about Ana's inner goddess or subconscious or becoming flush one more time I might puke. My biggest criticism is how unbelievable the storyline is-- what early 20s girl who has just finished college and never had a sexual relationship would agree to this arrangement? And then to have such great success reaching climax on the first try?

    I'll probably finish this one, but I don't know if I can get through the last two. At least I got them on loan from the library -- I would have been very upset if I had paid for them.
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Not well written, but entertaining
  • Still have a love/hate relationship with the whole series particularly the first book. My friend let me borrow it and i returned it the next day saying how disgusted i was with the ending and questioning how there could even be a second book, but she coaxed me into reading the second and the lines of love/hate blurred again. I wouldn't say its the best writing ever, or the best love story ever, but I'd say it's definitely interesting.
  • sirrah17
    sirrah17 Posts: 26 Member
    Forgot to include this ~

    The one part I did enjoy is the banter between Ana and Christian via email. If the entire book were written in that mode, I may have enjoyed it more.
  • SusieGirlRN
    SusieGirlRN Posts: 104 Member
    Read all of them because of all of the hype & kept thinking it had to get better - haha! Did not impress me at all :yawn:
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I'd rather read the tale of scrotie mcboogerballs than this
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I enjoyed it as entertainment, but great literary work it was not.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Very entertained while reading the series. Now I am over it! .....But my hubby was happy for a week!
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    I won't even bother reading it. I have better things to do with my time and I'm not into that kind of "story."
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    Loved it. Largely because we turned it into a drinking game, (1 shot every time she flushes, waterfall when they have sex that ends in mutual orgasm, etc.) and we ended up doing some very interesting partially clothed attempts at re-enactments (because sometimes things just didn't make mechanical/logical sense). Only safer, because cable ties? Yeah, that's what rapists use; that **** will scar you.

    If it makes women (or men) feel free to embrace the kinkier side of ****ing, great. But hopefully no one is using this as a handbook, because it's just terribly, terribly wrong. He's abusive, she's a doormat. They have boring sex. Onwards.
  • bratleen
    bratleen Posts: 60 Member
    I started reading the first one (someone gave me all three downloads) and I can't get through it. It feels to me as though it were written by a 12 year old.
  • sirrah17
    sirrah17 Posts: 26 Member
    Still have a love/hate relationship with the whole series particularly the first book. My friend let me borrow it and i returned it the next day saying how disgusted i was with the ending and questioning how there could even be a second book, but she coaxed me into reading the second and the lines of love/hate blurred again. I wouldn't say its the best writing ever, or the best love story ever, but I'd say it's definitely interesting.

    Now I am intrigued --- the ending sucks? Will keep reading because I thought I knew where it was going, but maybe I don't after all.
  • Read 1 and 2 - book three wasn't even good. Book 2 was my favorite.
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member

    I read and I write GOOD PORN. the kind that is well-written, edited and (even in a fantasy setting) has realistic sex. 50 Shades had NONE of that.

    Vomitous trash.

    If it was well written and less violent, yeah, it would have been a good book.

    i don't mind BDSM stories, but when the author can't be bothered to google for so much as a SAFE WORD, then NO!

    if you want good BDSM porn, go read the Sleeping Beauty series by Anne Rice, writing as A. N. Roquelaure

    YES! Awesome Books! Love The Sleeping Beauty series!

    The Sleeping Beauty series is awesome...and if you're not feeling the urge to read a book...I suggest watching Secretary. Dang good movie.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I am thankful that I read them quickly. I can't imagine wasting more than 6 days of my life on these 3 trite books. Nothing imaginative or exciting about any of them.
  • Reading the phone book was better.
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Twilight fan fic edited to change the names -- poorly edited, poorly researched and badly written. About a stalker and his non-entity object of affection. Absolute garbage.