50 Shades of Grey....Love it or Hate it?



  • tazhinshaw
    tazhinshaw Posts: 297 Member
    Hated it. I actually couldn't finish it. I've been told that the writing improves on the next two books but if I can't even finish the first one......

    I forced myself about halfway through and ended up just trashing it :( waste of money
  • hgambaro124
    hgambaro124 Posts: 30 Member
    I have one thing to say...

    There is better written, kinkier, and best of all FREE stuff online...

    True Story!!!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    So who's bought their copy of "Fifty Shades of Grey The Classic Album"?

    Apparently it's music which inspired the books!
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    I hated it. Thank God I only bought the first book! I just couldn't stand how they gasp every page and her dang 'inner goddess' it annoyed the heck out of me lol

    There are so many drinking game words and phrases, I could die of alcohol poisoning if I attempted it.

    :drinker: HAHA! I thought the same thing.

    I am forcing myself to read all three of them because a) I am stubborn about finishing a series even if I don't like it, and b) I work in a Library so I feel a sense of responsibility to actually read the popular books. Then I can make true recommendations to patrons and not just go on reputation and hype.

    I noticed all the parallels to Twilight in the first book before learning Fifty Shades is spawned from Twilight fan fiction. Overall, the whole thing reads like your standard-issue bodice-ripper romance. Dark and brooding alpha male who is going to be "Saved" by the woman who appears vulnerable and weak but finds her inner strength in the face of adversity, etc, etc.

    Anyone else see attempted parallels to Wuthering Heights?

    I'll have to give the "Sleeping Beauty" series a try! I enjoyed Rice's "Interview with the Vampire" series. Thanks for the rec!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I had to read it just to see what all the hype was about. All the women I know read it and loved it, never heard one bad thing. So I downloaded all three books on my ereader to read during my cruise. It was not what i expected at all. The only reason I kept reading was because all the girls kept saying they loved Christian, then all of the sudden they hated him. I guess I figured something big happened so I kept reading to find out what it was. I found myself skipping over the sex scenes because they were so boring and repetitive.
    I have no idea what it was that switched them from love to hate, to me he was the same through the whole book. I dunno. Not a fan.
  • chrisdell21
    chrisdell21 Posts: 54 Member
    Only read the first one and it seriously made me laugh. It was a pathetic attempt to be provacative and it failed. For all the build up on kink it was horrible. I'm sorry but I know the BDSM community and frankly that was a very poor representation. And the characters are horrible. The female has no life in her at all and honestly no guy is going to be that irresitable. This sotry was originally a Twilight fanfiction that was changed after a cease and desist letter was sent and it's really easy to tell that all she did was changes names. It's just sad. If people want really good kinky erotica there's MUCH better out there
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    Hated them. Seriously ****ed up story, and I'm sad that so many people think this is prince charming...

  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    I LOVED them. And for everyone that complains about the writing quality, let me sum it up like this.

    Complaining about the literary quality of 50 Shades is like complaining about the story line in Magic Mike. NO ONE watched it for the plot.

    Also, my boyfriend really appreciated me reading those books. In fact, I think he'd prefer I read books like that more often!

    Twenty years ago, the writing quality would have kept this book from being published. People aren't complaining about the quality because they didn't expect it to be bad. We complain because we're utterly disgusted that these books 1.) Got published and 2.) Got validated by becoming best-sellers.

    And, finally, the vast number of women who think it's romantic and are "in love" with Christian Grey, who's an abusive nightmare that no one would really want to date if she met him. He's awful and exhausting in his controlling neediness. Just from reading a blog about it with a few excerpts from the book, I want to sneak into his red room of pain, find something long and sharp and STAB HIM TO DEATH.

    And, yeah, there actually are people who think it's well-written and that makes me very sad.
    Ding ding ding, we have a winner. This is exactly how I feel.
  • Dom4less
    Dom4less Posts: 40 Member
    loved it! did not care much about the third book!
  • images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSVl-kZbBkknsQlJzmuHmnN0AKcQwWn2hV7IFo4p2XSNljBdDo
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Horrendous. If it wasn't for the subject matter, I would expect to find it in the Teen section. I gave it to a friend after Chapter 2.
    And, finally, the vast number of women who think it's romantic and are "in love" with Christian Grey, who's an abusive nightmare that no one would really want to date if she met him. He's awful and exhausting in his controlling neediness.

    Nailed it.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Hated them. Seriously ****ed up story, and I'm sad that so many people think this is prince charming...


  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    Bought them, read the first got halfway through the 2nd and was too bored to finish it
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    My real sex life is more interesting. I could have liked it more if it was written better maybe, but it was pretty much an R rated book that seemed like it was written by a teenager.. Luckily I borrowed from a friend instead of paying for it.
  • Hated the series. Terrible books.
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    Let me put it this way; it started as Twilight fanfiction. Still not enough reason? The male lead is awful and just as controlling and stalkerish as Edward Cullen. The female lead is just as boring and nondescript as Bella Swan.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member

    Love this.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
  • I read all three of that trashy hotness ;)
  • I work with a lot of people that have read it, and they discussed it in depth. I hate the trilogy and haven't even read any of it. Heh. For a bit of 50 shades fun, have a read of this - it was sent to me by a friend. Lol!

    FIFTY SHADES OF GREY -a husbands view
    The missus bought a paperback
    .... down Shepton , Saturday.
    I had a look inside her bag
    T'was fifty shades of Grey.

    Well I just left her to it
    and at ten I went to bed
    an hour later she appeared,
    the sight filled me with dread.

    In her left hand she held a rope
    and in her right a whip!
    She threw them down upon the floor
    and then began to strip.

    well fifty years or so ago
    I might of had a peek,
    but Mabel has not weathered well
    and she's eighty four next week !!

    Watching Mabel bump and grind
    could not have been much grimmer,
    and things then went from bad to worse
    when she toppled off her Zimmer !

    She struggled back upon her feet
    a couple minutes later
    she put her teeth back in and said ,

    Now if you knew our Mabel
    you'd see just why I spluttered,
    I'd spent two weeks in traction
    for the last complaint I uttered.

    She stood there nude and naked
    bent forward just a bit,
    I went to hold her sensual like
    and stood on her left tit!

    Mabel screamed ,her teeth shot out
    my god what had I done?
    She moaned and groaned then shouted out,

    Well readers , I can't tell you more
    of what occurred that day.
    Suffice to say my jet black hair
    turned fifty shades of grey !!!