50 Shades of Grey....Love it or Hate it?



  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    My wife read these books. Best two weeks of my life......

    My hubby would agree :wink:
  • novyhoney89
    Bleh. I started because I'd heard so much about them, and now I'm struggling through the final book. I wish I would've never started. I just have to see it through. I wish I would've been given the books instead of purchasing them :(
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
  • MelBristol
    Read all 3 to see what the fuss is about! Such a waste of time! Absolute RUBBISH! Really badly written and so repetitive! Probably enjoyed by people who'd read up to 10 books in their lifetime!
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Loved the first one, got a little bored on the second and gave up on the third! I didn't see what the big fuss was about though and I have to agree with the writing in 50 shades being a little vague it gives the impression that she was too embarassed to write any words down that would give her a red face eg, he touched me down there!
  • evereadysmile
    I'm only reading this thread to satisfy myself that others hate 50 Shades as much as I do. Restores my sense of balance in the universe.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I confess I was a bit uncomfortable the other day when a very large lady sat down next to me on public transit. Now there were plenty of seats, and she could have sat anywhere. But she chose to sit next to me, forcing me to squeeze up a bit. Then she pulled out her copy of Fifty Shades, and well, I was a bit more uncomfortable.

    True story.
  • SapphireSmoke
    SapphireSmoke Posts: 13 Member
    There are some fan fic writers out there that do amazing erotica. Its just not always easy to weed the good from the bad...

    I have yet to find any lol.

    Most of what I see is gay/lesbian fic...spock/kirk/alien 3 somes etc....please point me to some GOOD Fan Fic!

    "Good" fan fic doesn't always mean heterosexual fan fic, you know. That seems a bit narrow-minded. Now if that's all you enjoy, fine, but don't lump homosexual fic (or alien fic, for that matter lol) into a "bad" category just because its not something you're into. Besides, there's good and bad fic that comes with every sexual preference. It has to do with the authors, not the romantic/sexual pairing.

    Also as a point of interest, what fandoms have you been looking in that you haven't found ANYTHING relating to your interests? Seems strange to me, as I've seen a wide variety of fic in every fandom I've ever went looking into.

    Generally comic book stuff, Star Trek, take offs of TV Shows etc. And to me, anything that messes with the core scene of the characters sexuality is "bad" fan fic. And it's not that I've not found anything, I've just never found anything good.

    In a way I understand that, especially with stuff nowadays where its not taboo for a character to be openly gay. However there was a time (like when Star Trek was around) that a gay character would only be "out" in terms of subtext. Hell, take Xena for example: one of the most lesbian shows out there, but since it was on network TV during that time, they couldn't outright say there was a romantic relationship between the two female leads, although the subtext did get a lot bolder during the end of the series as it was slowly becoming more acceptable. Even now that's where a lot of gay fan fiction comes from: subtext. Not many people will outright change a character's sexuality without believing they saw hints of it somewhere. Of course there are still some, I won't deny that, but I tend not to read that stuff myself. I like to see a basis of it on TV first, otherwise I don't get it.

    But if it's not your cup of tea, I definitely understand that. There's some fic out there that I'm like WTF IS THIS?! lol. The one thing I'll say about fic is that there's definitely something for everyone, but rarely does everyone like everything that's written xD

    I wish I could suggest some fic for you, but I'm not really into comics/Star Trek and since I'm a lesbian I tend to steer towards lesbian fic, haha. I'm sure there are good fan fics out there that you'd like, but I do know how aggravating it is to sift though 20 bad fics just to try to find one good one.
  • ahartery9891
    ahartery9891 Posts: 139 Member
    It's a sad book. I mean, if I wanted to read a book written so a kid in elementary school could read it, I would pick up Nancy Drew.

    'Oh, my sex...' 'His hardness....'

    Is that it?
  • mandabarri713
    mandabarri713 Posts: 64 Member
    :heart: LOVED:heart: them ...can't wait to see who they cast for the movie:happy:
  • dahkneeka
    dahkneeka Posts: 163 Member
    Half way through the first book- im hooked BUT.. I cant help but notice the repetition of phrases like "lips pressed tight". Surly, there are other words or phrases which could be more intriging.
  • dollflour
    I bought the book about two months ago and still cannot get past page 10. I guess that I don't know if I like it, being an avid reader, if I can't get past the tenth page I don't know how good it can be.
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    Not a fan! Boring book until at least 100 pages into it. Not into insecure, wishy-washy women (or men for that matter). I think she was a bigger idiot than him.

    **edited for spelling**
  • classy2731
    I haven't read the 50 Shades yet but I did like Bared to You and Reflected in You by Sylvia Day!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have one thing to say...

    There is better written, kinkier, and best of all FREE stuff online...

    This. I write better and kinkier stuff myself, too. I've always said that if you're going to write about something, you have to have lived some part of it, or you'd better have a good imagination. She clearly has neither....

    the surprising bit is Erica has lived it. the only excuse i can think of is that she was writing for a fanfic audience and toned it down
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    CBA, too many good books out there waiting to be read. Or paint to watch drying...
  • wildcat808
    wildcat808 Posts: 140 Member
    i got into the first book, but the second one didn't excite me one bit. i think i got up to chapter 3... i will watch the movie, though!!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    the writing was terrible. WAY too many grammatical and spelling mistakes. drove me nuts. plus, i could never shake the feeling that i was reading something a high schooler might write. you know how when you're reading a fantastic book you almost forget that you're reading and get transported into the story/characters/plot? yeah. that didn't happen with 50 shades. ever.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    the writing was terrible. WAY too many grammatical and spelling mistakes. drove me nuts. plus, i could never shake the feeling that i was reading something a high schooler might write. you know how when you're reading a fantastic book you almost forget that you're reading and get transported into the story/characters/plot? yeah. that didn't happen with 50 shades. ever.

    Wait, you mean you were unimpressed with the fact that Ana didn't know what that "funny, tingly feeling down there" was? LMAO! When I first read that I was like "Wait, how old is this girl?"