bread, preferably 12 grain, with jam, with butter, toasted, peanut butter, cheese, it doesn't matter I LOVE BREAD!!! (the first step is admitting you have an addiction)
personally i would be ok with that but i have a 5 year old daughter that we need to have nice healthy bread for. nice thought though
for some god forsaken reason "won't you be my neighbor" by Mr Rogers (please kill me now!!)
well its one of 2 things A) the veggies are cooked slightly before canning i know they do this with frozen, not sure about canned but if they so the cooking process loses nutrience B) the beaens are most likely packed in some sort of liquid (most likely water) and this will leach out nutrience) as far as the salt. salt is…
1) Pink Floyd 2) Rush 3) Dust Rhinos (winnipeg based celtic rock party bans EVER!!! google them they are super fun)
1 any one from Rush (Neil Peart, Geddy Lee, or Alex Lifeson) 2 David Gilmore of Pink Floyd 3 Leonard Cohen (although Jim Morrison would be very close)
black hair defiantly there is something sultry and mysterious about jet black hair
Suzieq901 -27 kurenaikumo - not quite yet and i think 31
oh well thank you... but alas no
curvy - sorry i just peeked, way off. its the small pick. you don't look 32 when i click on profile sorry
curvy (i might get slaped for this) 32
gogo - 20 spontaneous13 - 27 Iamkim73 - 39 (only cause i thind the 73 in your name is your year of birth)
please understand before you start poo pooing on weight loss surgery that weight loss surgery is just a tool to fight obesity not a cure. my wife is going for weight loss surgery and i know haw hard it is. it involves a massive lifestyle change that you must learn and adjust to BEFORE the surgery or else it will fail. you…
hey james I am james too! i am from winnipeg manitoba canada pushing 40 (39 in a couple of days) and started at just over 300. I too have a little one (girl age 4) i think it is great that you are doing this. have faith that changes may be small at times but changes are changes. also keep in mind (i learned this part in a…
yes you do look great. good going. keep it up. but what i really want to know is...where did you get a picture with the TARDIS!
looks fantastic, bet my daughter won't even know its cauliflower
my wife has some that are fantastic. the brand is about time. comes in a number of flavors including birthday cake. google it we had to order it on line
rush fan... honorary canadian. huge RUSH fan here too, stationed firmly in the PEG... Winnipeg born and raised
ok heres the thing you need to remember now i was looking at your food journal and although it didn't have fiber listed it seems that you ate getting lots. however you either don't list your water intake regularly or you are not getting enough water. fiber only works if you drink enough water to help "push it through"…
i'm in 100 lbs in 12 months break it down it isn't that overwelming. i can do it...we all can do it
former wood products manufacturing technologist (basically a cabinetmaker) now a civil engineering technologist student
sour gummie candies
my 4 year old daughters laugh the smile i get from my wife when i drop an innuendo at her my daughters reaction to finding out her favorite tv show (fireman sam) is on
no buddy, thank you!
two actually 1) don't take the girl (Tim McGraw) 2)the last kiss (J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers/Pearl Jam) don't listen to much newer music but for being one who is not known for showing emotion those two always bring a tear
when you do get hungry, and i know this is going to sound weird but, try just drinking water. The brain allot of the time gets confused as to what messages the body is sending it. the message in this case is thirst. the brain does not always recognize thirst as thirst but as hunger instead, and it mostly happens later in…
i too have a recumbent exercise bike and like alicepalace22 said it is a decent work out and low impact and i like the fact that i can read as i do it (or watch Dr Who... I know i'm a sci-fi freak). but make sure you try it out first. don't assume all are the same and never buy "off the rack". the wrong bike will be…
hey jonathan. you've made a very powerful first step. this can be a great tool for weight loss. i'm pretty new here too but i have noticed that if i am feeling down or overwelmed. just look at the community message boards under success stories. you see alot of people that have lost the weight, which is great to see that it…
oh dude i am totally with you on that. i am not looking forward to my mothers for xmas cause she always has eggnog and a nutmeg grinder right there. last year i think i had close to three liters of it then i looked at the calorie count. WOW. i drank about 3 days worth of calories that day. they gotta start putting…
lets see... this month i have 1) come to the sudden and earth-shattering conclusion that i cannot lose weight just by ignoring it thus joined myfitnesspal 2) started doing the journaling and realized that if i record everything that i eat i cannot "forget" that i ate it in other words i have accountability (another…