

  • You look amazing and so happy! Way to go!!!!!!
  • Day 7 Today was a good day. Under my calorie goal. Think it was because I started the day out with a protein shake. Went grocery shopping and bought a fresh vegetables for my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. Feel good and back on track!!
  • Day 6 Can't believe it has been 6 days already. Only 1 pound lost but that is OK. This is about a 90 day challenge for a life long life style change. Had an awesome breakfast at 7 am and ready for a protein shake for a mid morning break. Got a great day of working around the house planned. This afternoon planning on…
  • Day 5 Another tough day so I am having a talk with myself tonite to remind myself why I am doing this 90 day challenge. Didn't get my mid-morning snack and then lunch at 1:00 and was starved so just ate way to much. After the over eating today my body was telling me that I did not need that food and that is why I got sick.…
  • Day 4 and I feel like I am struggling. Got on the scales this morning and had not lost any weight. I have logged food intake everyday and have been real close on calories, fat, and protein. Got on the treadmill for the first time this afternoon and walked. A positive thing is that I feel much better eating the right things…
  • I am having a cranberry apple packet in a bottle of water and I think it isawesome. Was thinking I was hungry and this really helps.
  • Today is Day 3. Stayed on task with calories, carbs and protein. It really does help to log in food intake. I really didn't realize how much I was eating each day so it is easy to see how I became overweight. Increasing my protein intake has helped me feel full until the next snack or meal. With all of the junk food, I was…
  • Breakfast sounded good. Good way to start the morning with protein in the peanut butter. Hope your exersizing went well.
  • My thought is spend a little time being angry but then use that anger to motivate you right back on track.
  • Today was a good day. It is Day 2 of my 90 day challenge. Was able to pass up buffet lunch and dessert at work. I have eaten dinner and feel good. Woohoooo!! :smile:
  • OK Day 1 was not great but it was good. After logging in the days food, went over by 200 calories-it is really a good thing that logging food is part of this plan. Water consumption was only 2 glasses but will do better tomorrow. This time trying not to go gung ho and then burn out before getting a good start. How was…
  • Way to go on your weight loss so far!!!
  • So happy that there are responses from my earlier post. I am new to message boards so it might take a few times to get the hang of how these boards work.