My 90 day challenge



  • ThisTimeIsIt1956
    Day 4 and I feel like I am struggling. Got on the scales this morning and had not lost any weight. I have logged food intake everyday and have been real close on calories, fat, and protein. Got on the treadmill for the first time this afternoon and walked. A positive thing is that I feel much better eating the right things and eating 5-6 small meals a day. I guess one thing I need to remember is that the weight gain did not happen overnight and the weight loss won't either. I realize the diabetes makes this more of a challenge but I can do it. When I read the posts on MFP about your weight losses and change of lifestyles, my motivation comes back. Thank you for sharing and if I don't respond to some of the posts, its because I am still trying to navigate on MFP. I do appreciate all of your support. Keep up the good work on your weight loss and weight maintenance.
    Day 5 Another tough day so I am having a talk with myself tonite to remind myself why I am doing this 90 day challenge. Didn't get my mid-morning snack and then lunch at 1:00 and was starved so just ate way to much. After the over eating today my body was telling me that I did not need that food and that is why I got sick. Tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow when I do this post- I WILL be back on track. Thanks friends for your encouragement.
    Day 6 Can't believe it has been 6 days already. Only 1 pound lost but that is OK. This is about a 90 day challenge for a life long life style change. Had an awesome breakfast at 7 am and ready for a protein shake for a mid morning break. Got a great day of working around the house planned. This afternoon planning on reading a little more on the Eat-Clean Diet for some more information. I gotta get the exercise on a daily basis going though. Thinking that I might turn off my computer and each time I turn it on-I should walk on the treadmill for a minimum of 15 minutes BEFORE I get on the computer. (Once I get started on the treadmill walking I generally keep pushing myself and actually enjoy it). For trying to drink more water,I am going to put a bottle of water on the nightstand and before I get out of bed in the morning, I will drink it. Also, I have realized that I am an emotional eater. When something goes wrong or not quite right, the first thing I do to make myself feel better is wanting to find something to eat. This has to stop. I need to find a new "activity" instead of eating such as a short 5-10 minute walk or to walk away from the situation for 5-10 minutes or maybe even drink a bottle of water. The first step was realizing that the emotional eating was a problem and I have. It is going to be a great day so time to get up and get moving. Hope you all hae a great day!
  • ThisTimeIsIt1956
    Day 4 and I feel like I am struggling. Got on the scales this morning and had not lost any weight. I have logged food intake everyday and have been real close on calories, fat, and protein. Got on the treadmill for the first time this afternoon and walked. A positive thing is that I feel much better eating the right things and eating 5-6 small meals a day. I guess one thing I need to remember is that the weight gain did not happen overnight and the weight loss won't either. I realize the diabetes makes this more of a challenge but I can do it. When I read the posts on MFP about your weight losses and change of lifestyles, my motivation comes back. Thank you for sharing and if I don't respond to some of the posts, its because I am still trying to navigate on MFP. I do appreciate all of your support. Keep up the good work on your weight loss and weight maintenance.
    Day 5 Another tough day so I am having a talk with myself tonite to remind myself why I am doing this 90 day challenge. Didn't get my mid-morning snack and then lunch at 1:00 and was starved so just ate way to much. After the over eating today my body was telling me that I did not need that food and that is why I got sick. Tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow when I do this post- I WILL be back on track. Thanks friends for your encouragement.
    Day 6 Can't believe it has been 6 days already. Only 1 pound lost but that is OK. This is about a 90 day challenge for a life long life style change. Had an awesome breakfast at 7 am and ready for a protein shake for a mid morning break. Got a great day of working around the house planned. This afternoon planning on reading a little more on the Eat-Clean Diet for some more information. I gotta get the exercise on a daily basis going though. Thinking that I might turn off my computer and each time I turn it on-I should walk on the treadmill for a minimum of 15 minutes BEFORE I get on the computer. (Once I get started on the treadmill walking I generally keep pushing myself and actually enjoy it). For trying to drink more water,I am going to put a bottle of water on the nightstand and before I get out of bed in the morning, I will drink it. Also, I have realized that I am an emotional eater. When something goes wrong or not quite right, the first thing I do to make myself feel better is wanting to find something to eat. This has to stop. I need to find a new "activity" instead of eating such as a short 5-10 minute walk or to walk away from the situation for 5-10 minutes or maybe even drink a bottle of water. The first step was realizing that the emotional eating was a problem and I have. It is going to be a great day so time to get up and get moving. Hope you all hae a great day!
    Day 7 Today was a good day. Under my calorie goal. Think it was because I started the day out with a protein shake. Went grocery shopping and bought a fresh vegetables for my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. Feel good and back on track!!