My 90 day challenge

Even with the holidays aproaching, today is the first day of my 90 day challenge. This challenge includes logging all food and exersize in the myfitnesspal. This is so exciting and I am committed to doing this. For anyone reading this, feel free to join me in this healthy quest to get our livesback.

Day 1 I can do this. I need to do this. I want to do this. I have to do this. I am excited about doing this.


  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    I am game! Lets do it!
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    Good luck on your 90 days challenge. I'd be glad to join in.
  • seaside70
    seaside70 Posts: 14 Member
    I wish you all the luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Good for you hun. I have set myself a challenge to lose another 7lbs before christmas. I would be really happy with this and know I could really enjoy my christmas and new year then x
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm in!
  • So happy that there are responses from my earlier post. I am new to message boards so it might take a few times to get the hang of how these boards work.
  • Way to go on your weight loss so far!!!
  • OK Day 1 was not great but it was good. After logging in the days food, went over by 200 calories-it is really a good thing that logging food is part of this plan. Water consumption was only 2 glasses but will do better tomorrow. This time trying not to go gung ho and then burn out before getting a good start. How was everyone elses day?
  • melissa4457
    melissa4457 Posts: 8 Member
    This sounds Like a good Idea, I wish you luck and I will be joining you in this challange....

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • moochy7
    moochy7 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you! I have posted everything I have eaten and the exercise I have done. Happy to say that it has been a good day! Now all I have to do is stay away from the refrigerator for the rest of the night!
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    I had never exercised for 3 days. but i'm good now to be back on track. my food intake seems to be OK.
  • Today was a good day. It is Day 2 of my 90 day challenge. Was able to pass up buffet lunch and dessert at work. I have eaten dinner and feel good. Woohoooo!! :smile:
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    Today was a good day. It is Day 2 of my 90 day challenge. Was able to pass up buffet lunch and dessert at work. I have eaten dinner and feel good. Woohoooo!! :smile:
    Very nice. Keep it up. Today starts my day 3.It's morning in my place coz I live here in Philippines.Had a good breakfast which is my favorite peanut butter sandwich and a cup of coffee. Looking forward to do my exercise tonight.
  • Today was a good day. It is Day 2 of my 90 day challenge. Was able to pass up buffet lunch and dessert at work. I have eaten dinner and feel good. Woohoooo!! :smile:
    Very nice. Keep it up. Today starts my day 3.It's morning in my place coz I live here in Philippines.Had a good breakfast which is my favorite peanut butter sandwich and a cup of coffee. Looking forward to do my exercise tonight.
    Breakfast sounded good. Good way to start the morning with protein in the peanut butter. Hope your exersizing went well.
  • Today is Day 3. Stayed on task with calories, carbs and protein. It really does help to log in food intake. I really didn't realize how much I was eating each day so it is easy to see how I became overweight. Increasing my protein intake has helped me feel full until the next snack or meal. With all of the junk food, I was constantly going from a sugar high to a crash so many times during the day. Funny thing is I don't feel like I am missing out at all. I have not gotten back into the exersize routine yet but I am thinking about it so that is a start. Thank you to all of you who has friended me and those who have joined me in this challenge. We can do this!!!!!!
  • Day 4 and I feel like I am struggling. Got on the scales this morning and had not lost any weight. I have logged food intake everyday and have been real close on calories, fat, and protein. Got on the treadmill for the first time this afternoon and walked. A positive thing is that I feel much better eating the right things and eating 5-6 small meals a day. I guess one thing I need to remember is that the weight gain did not happen overnight and the weight loss won't either. I realize the diabetes makes this more of a challenge but I can do it. When I read the posts on MFP about your weight losses and change of lifestyles, my motivation comes back. Thank you for sharing and if I don't respond to some of the posts, its because I am still trying to navigate on MFP. I do appreciate all of your support. Keep up the good work on your weight loss and weight maintenance.
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    Sorry for not having checking in here for few days.I had been so busy of my 2 year old and super active child and a lot of household chores. I've been able to track my food and exercise.I'm doing ripped in 30 and 30 day shred all at same time. I and my sis in law went on early x mass shopping for our kids. We also ate at the restaurant and I cant imagine how many calories I've consume for that. Good thing I still have remaining calories because I haven't eaten much this morning and lunch. I'm so tired and I want to go to bed.
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    Today is my day 5.
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    Day 4 and I feel like I am struggling. Got on the scales this morning and had not lost any weight. I have logged food intake everyday and have been real close on calories, fat, and protein. Got on the treadmill for the first time this afternoon and walked. A positive thing is that I feel much better eating the right things and eating 5-6 small meals a day. I guess one thing I need to remember is that the weight gain did not happen overnight and the weight loss won't either. I realize the diabetes makes this more of a challenge but I can do it. When I read the posts on MFP about your weight losses and change of lifestyles, my motivation comes back. Thank you for sharing and if I don't respond to some of the posts, its because I am still trying to navigate on MFP. I do appreciate all of your support. Keep up the good work on your weight loss and weight maintenance.
    We cannot afford to lose hope. I experienced that too. We can reach our goal.
  • Day 4 and I feel like I am struggling. Got on the scales this morning and had not lost any weight. I have logged food intake everyday and have been real close on calories, fat, and protein. Got on the treadmill for the first time this afternoon and walked. A positive thing is that I feel much better eating the right things and eating 5-6 small meals a day. I guess one thing I need to remember is that the weight gain did not happen overnight and the weight loss won't either. I realize the diabetes makes this more of a challenge but I can do it. When I read the posts on MFP about your weight losses and change of lifestyles, my motivation comes back. Thank you for sharing and if I don't respond to some of the posts, its because I am still trying to navigate on MFP. I do appreciate all of your support. Keep up the good work on your weight loss and weight maintenance.
    Day 5 Another tough day so I am having a talk with myself tonite to remind myself why I am doing this 90 day challenge. Didn't get my mid-morning snack and then lunch at 1:00 and was starved so just ate way to much. After the over eating today my body was telling me that I did not need that food and that is why I got sick. Tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow when I do this post- I WILL be back on track. Thanks friends for your encouragement.