I feel like the Green Coffee Bean Extract isn't necessarily meant to be the end all, be all to lose the weight. I think it is supposed to rev up your energy level to give you that extra boost to help you work out.
I take 40 mg of omeprazole every morning which is the generic for prilosec prescription. My pulmonologist has me on it daily to help control my asthma and because I have a hiatal hernia. I have noticed that the more weight I lose, the less acid reflux problems I have been experiencing. That is motivation for me because it…
Does the pain kind of radiate down the back of your lef? Does it feel like you are seeing stars with how bad the pain is? I have similar problems. It most likely is sciatic nerve pain. There is a nerve is your back that might be pressed or pinched and it is causing the pain. Ibuprofen helps to relieve the pain a lot and…
If you feel like you need to give up, take a break for a few days so the thought of exercise and figuring out what to eat doesn't stress you out. Then, sit down and reassess how you can get in a 20 minute walk each day. Its not a lot but its something that you can fit into a lunch break at work or inbetween running around.…
I don't think theres a right or wrong answer to your question. Its not always about fairness. Its about people who sit and dont exercise tracking everything they do to show how far they've come from being a couch potato. I personally dont mark that down, but if people use it as a motivational tool to help them keep on…
I was on weight watchers til I was unemployed. I did it for 6 months, stopped and gained all the weight back. I'm definitely done counting points but whatever gets you to the goal is what counts.
Dry spices are a good way to kick things up a notch. You could use curry power, terragon, cayenne pepper, chili powder, and to thicken you can use water with a little corn starch.
My mom uses hoison sauce, oyster sauce, a cup of water with corn starch and a few shakes of soy (not a lot like maybe 2-3 shakes or like 1 1/2 teaspoons) and then we add the spiciness with red chili peppers cooked into it. You dont need much of any of those ingredients because the flavors go a long way.
My doctor said that if you are sick and its a cold above the chest its okay but if its below the neck/chest (aka respiratory) then don't do a bunch a cardio until you are better.