

  • i can have all my peircings and tats vis at my job... im very lucky
  • i stopped counting a 27 i think.... i go by hours now lol... im 30 hours n on my chest peice... and currently working on my full arm sleeves..
  • my dr put me on a 1200 cal a day regimen.... i gained 5lbs, in 3 days...i went 3 days with 1000 cal... i dropped almst 6lbs.... then the next day i was at 1200 again... i gained a few lbs back, and stayed there for almost 2 weeks... when i upped my cals to 12-1500 a day, i am down 14lbs in 5 weeks.... ur body has to have…
  • unles you plan on eating 800 cal for the rest of your life, you will gain weight back, if you go over 800 to many days in a row...
  • dont beat yourself up.. sometmes your body just wants something, and if u know what that is, EAT IT or you wll end up eating everything in sight to try and compensate for what u originally wanted. I actually "treat" myself 2-3 days a week... to keep from eating a gallon of ice cream lol... just add it into your calorie…
  • i love those jello cups :) i have banana fudge right now...only 60 cals and they are really good
  • yea. my friend and my mother saw it. then i went to his website and looked at it too.... 15g of sugar really does seem impossible...
  • absolutely nothing :) i personally think its the ONLY way for me to be able to lose weight .... i do it every day.... i have just been hearing alot of stuff about limiting sugar and not having to count. And then had a friend ask me about it also.. i had told her it sounded like a load of crap, and then it got me to…
  • yea.... but depending on who you talk to some say that fruit sugar doesnt count, like sugar from a soda would... i eat alot of fruit.... theres alot of info to read and "take in" its hard sometimes to kno what to go with, and what is total junk...
  • i understnd your feeling.... after being in the gym most of 2010 and part of 2011, i lost 16lbs in 15 months...i have hypthyroidism, so its very difficult for me to loose.. due to a health issue that left my with facial paralisis and nerve pain for close to 6 months i stopped going in march of 2011, and from then until…
  • im confused to lol..i have hypthroidism, and have had trouble loosing weight. i had my labs done, and my meds have evened out my thyroid for now, my dr told me to eat 1200 a day, that my1600 was too many calories, he said he doesnt even eat 1600 a day to maintain his weight.... my bmr is calculated at 1770. i dont want to…
  • i find that i always have to eat back my calories that i burn from exercise. if i dont then i end up gaining weight, not loosing it.. it all depends on who you talk to about wether you should eat them back or not, but i reccomend that you do..
  • there are different ways to look at sugar. depending on your metabolism and if you have any kind of thyroid problems your body will tend to process the sugar in different way. my daily sugar intake for myself is 34 and i am almost always over because of the fruit that i eat. your body has to work harder to break down…