

  • MiO is a water additive. It's a no calorie squirt of flavor. It helps water not taste like water. :) Everyone slips back a little. But don't beat yourself up. Just realize that yesterday is gone and today is a new day to start things right. :) YOU CAN DO IT!
  • I've had my Shakeology every day this week. I love it! I have doubled my water intake. Although I'm only up to 3 cups of water a day. Gotta work harder on that! I have worked out on the Wii every day this week too. I love that I can still get a little cardio in, have fun doing it, and don't have to hurt my already gimpy…
  • I bought some MIO to help me with my water! I hope this makes drinking all that water easier! I realized that I am working out so that I can eat the junk. I need to figure out how to stop that. Working out to be healthier doesn't do much good if I eat my workout calories in brownies and candy. :( Where is everyone with…