
  • Everywhere me and my husband go, its always "no you choose" "no you" etc etc. for ever then its "fine lets _____" and he complains and i smack him, we are also that couple in the grocery store acting like 12 year olds with the impulse buying but we totally even each other. We also to the "I love you" 5 million times a day…
  • i am doing Turbo Jam Kickboxing and its awesome. In one week I lost 1" off of my waist/hips :)
  • lots of protein!!!!!
  • Emotions for me play a huge role in my eating habits. I would say the best thing to do is to watch when you eat, keep track of when you last ate etc. keeping track and keepin on a schedule is best ofr your body and metabolism. If you don't eat...your metabolism withh virtually stop so make sure youre eating...if you are…
  • try measureing inches and weight on a set day every week....of even weight once a week and measure once a month...that way you see the differnece in the tape measure even if your not seeing it on the scale... remeber mucsle weighs more than fat :D
  • Hi! I'm 5' 3". my goal is also 120lbs. I would most definitly not go below 100 lbs...even though you are shorter...100lbs is not a good look on most people. I would say for your hieght, 110-115 would be great but i dont think 120 is bad at all.
  • This is going to sound funny but if you have stairs, stand on the edge on your tippy toes (facing up the stairs) and go up as high as you can on your tippy toes and then back to as if you were flat on the stairs. Be sure to be on the edge of the stairs though. it burns alot. Don't to too many too quickly or you'll get shin…
  • I need to improve at organizing finances (budget that we can both follow ), time management, patience, and being more supportive of my husband. He is kind of a sloppy guy, leaves a mess every where he goes and everything he touches and I get very angry, very quick. I work 40 hours a week, typical day job 8-5 and attend…
  • hi, i'm Brittany. married on June 25th 2011. I am 20 years old. No children yet but I can't wait :) I want to feel pretty again, I want people to envy me and my husband.