

  • I lost weight in my first trimester of being pregnant and was given a serious talking to by my midwife as the baby takes what it needs regardless of what Mum is doing. But as some one else has said the first time you hold the baby you don't worry about your size, just how you can protect that small person for the rest of…
  • Mine do - apprently it is something to do with me being double jointed (hyper mobility) and my knees sometime feel as though they are trying to bend backwards (ie the wrong way) but it is annoying rather than painful and worse when I'm tired....
  • Had mine at 38 too...he took a long time to arrive!
  • Now you've told us try to tell a friend - I know telling family anything like this can be almost impossible, but other people love you and may have suspected somethig but been too scared to mention it. Just remember that other people are here for you, you don't have to do this alone any more.
  • Are you inside my head!?!?!? That was so me it was scary! :drinker:
  • I had PTSD and serious PND, but now I@m off the antidepressants and working hard to stay off them for my little one.... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Nothing to do with weight loss....but my little boy walked for the first time at the weekend!! He's had a few battles so far - he was bort with septecemia and had to spend a week in NICU and has also been dignosed with hypermobility and is due to start physio next week, but over teh weekend he just stood up and walked! I…
  • So pleased I'm not the only chocoholic on here... can't someone invent a calorie free version with all the satisfaction the bad stuff provides!?!?!?
  • It took my over 8 years to achieve my goal of becoming a Mum (sorry, UK here!) and when I was down or saw young girls with babies I ate to feel better... not I have a 20 month old son and need to be around for him! I had heart failure and a stroke 4 year ago following a pretty severe illness and still managed to somehow…
  • Love Actually Grease Any Harry Potter Pretty Woman Mystic Pizza Anything basically musical based that I can sing along with and wind my husband up!
  • I need all the encouragement I can get...until 9 March I'm working full time so I get home and I'm shattered and from the 12th I'm out of work and I know how depressed I can get so will just want to veg and eat chocolate... Oh and try to cope with a 20 month old little boy!
  • Ashford in Kent
  • MAybe I'm sort of lucky....I'm allergic to Caffeine so I jsut have fruit infusions ratehr than tea and I've never drunk coffee as even the smell makes me feel sick... But I do think cutting your coffee hit off totally could mean you look for something to replace it that is as bad if not worse! Maybe a reduction will be…
  • Hi, I'm Heather too! But considerably older.... This is a great palce for the motivation I certainly need to keep eating more healthily, plus some days having to record what crap I eat makes me feel guilty and then I just try to improve! (Not always easy with a 19 month old around!)
  • Until last week a Citroen C2 Code which I adored as it was a pocket rocket, now it's turned into a C3...slightly more practical for carting a 19 month around along with all his stuff! I miss my C2, but it was time to grow up....
  • I love cruising and the portions on the ships I've been on have always been sensible! There is always the good old stand by of salad, jsut avoid any 'bad' dressings and your waiter can always just make sure you get a small portion if you think it's too big! But be carsful of afternoon tea etc and the midnight buffet...they…
  • Totally new on here... I had a baby last year and did really well at loosing weight until I went back to work and started eating junk! I need friends to kee me on the straight and narrow and to help me fight my chocolate addiction (not good as I'm also diabetic!)