AlysonG2 Member


  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Week 34: 191.6 Week 36: 192.8 Total gain to date: 22.8 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total Poke, I'm right there with ya :(. No matter what I do right now, I'm gaining AT LEAST a pound a week. I've kinda said screw it. If…
  • I'm glad you posted this. I'm 35 weeks today, and I've just started having this problem over the last week or so. It's almost like a side stitch kind of feeling for me. Is that what y'all are getting too? It goes away when I stop walking, so I haven't been too worried about it.
  • I'm in my third trimester now, but I jumped up about 6 pounds around 10 weeks, then was back down to SW by 14 weeks. It can be done! Don't focus on restricting calories, though. Just focus on making healthier choices and it'll work itself out.
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Week 34: 191.6 Week 35: 191.6 Total gain to date: 21.6 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • Not to be creepy, but seriously your butt is amazing! That's my goal butt right there!
  • Oh, I would LOVE this!! Logging my weight somewhere publicly helps me stay on track SO much! Please let me know where you decide to start it!
  • My BP seems to have a direct correlation to my weight. About 7 years ago, I got up to about 220lb...BP was 140/90ish. Doctor started talking about putting me on medication, so I started losing weight. Got down to around 170...BP was 120/80. Gained a little back, up to about 185-190...BP was 130/85. Got pregnant, was almost…
  • I gained 60 with my first, so I'm definitely doing better this time, but the range my OB gave me at the beginning of the pregnancy was 10-20 pounds total (leaning towards 10), and I'm already past that with 6 weeks to go. I don't seem to have much control over it right now, which is why I feel like I'm failing :(. Blah!
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Week 34: 191.6 :'( I feel like I'm failing Total gain to date: 21.6 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • Yay, you're getting so close!! And you've done a GREAT job!
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Week 32: 188.4 Week 33: 187.2 heading back in the right direction. I'm honestly hoping to just maintain for the these last 7 weeks, but we'll see if that's possible! Total gain to date: 17.2 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs…
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Week 32: 188.4 Week 33: 187.2 heading back in the right direction. I'm honestly hoping to just maintain for the these last 7 weeks, but we'll see if that's possible! Total gain to date: 17.2 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs…
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Week 32: 188.4 swelling :(. Gonna try to up the water and keep it at bay as much as possible Total gain to date: 18.4 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • Looks like we've lost a lot of mommas along the way. Hopefully they're all still on track and just not logging on here. I thought it would be fun to catch up with everybody who's left! How is your pregnancy going? What are you having? Any complications? I'm having boy #2. I wanted another boy, so I'm super excited! I'm…
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Week 31: 186 Yikes! Total gain to date: 16 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Week 31: 186 Yikes! Total gain to date: 16 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Total gain to date: 13.4 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 30: 183.4 Total gain to date: 13.4 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • I couldn't agree more! I love having this thread here!
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 29: 182.6 Total gain to date: 12.6 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total Starting to level off a little, thank goodness! Except now I'm starting to swell. We'll see how that affects my weight gain :/
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 29: 182.6 Total gain to date: 12.6 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • I had a c-section with my first, and I bought the most giant granny panties (cheap from walmart) I could find, and still ended up cutting the waistband of them because I couldn't stand any pressure at all on the incision. Just make sure the waistband is high enough that it's well above where the cut would be, and make sure…
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 28: 182.6 Total gain to date: 12.6 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total Struggling to keep the weight gain to a minimum. Still on track to hopefully stay under a 20 pound gain, but I really didn't want to gain more than 15. Oh well,…
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 28: 182.6 Total gain to date: 12.6 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • For you: I took all of my main toiletries, including makeup, from home so I could feel like myself, and that ended up being a huge blessing. Also, don't forget your phone charger, and camera/charger/batteries if you use one. I also took a robe, a couple nursing tanks, and some comfy PJ pants, which were great for walking…
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 24: 180.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 27: 181.2 Total gain to date: 11.2 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total Thought I posted this already?
  • SW: 170 Week 6: 169 Week 10: 175.6 Week 14: 170.2 Week 18: 173.8 Week 22: 178.4 Week 24: 180.4 Week 26: 181.8 Week 27: 181.2 Total gain to date: 11.2 lbs Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • Feel free to add me. I also gained 60 pounds with my son (he just turned 2), and lost it all, plus another 20 pounds. I'm currently pregnant with #2 and due in August, so I'm just trying to maintain/slightly gain at this point. But after the baby's born, I'll be right back at it! Still had another 25 pounds or so to lose…
  • Thank you for this! I'm 26 weeks with baby #2. Gained 60 with my first, so far have only gained 10-12 with this one. I'm hoping to gain enough for a healthy baby, but not to have to lose any/much extra after he's here :). Glad to know it can be done!
  • My #1 piece of advice would be log everything, every day. Don't skip a day because you're embarrassed of what you ate. It will keep you on track to see the numbers. Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm pregnant, so not trying to lose at the moment, but I'll be back at it in August :)