

  • Last Friday I was at 123, we went to the camp for the weekend. We stayed busy fishing and swimming, scooter riding. I ate my meals didn't snack, had a few beers. Now I'm back @ my starting weight. I agree it sucks. I'm back on track for the week but we are going out of town for the 4th. I was hoping by then, 4 weeks of…
  • Ha, I have seen a few people abuse that machine also, its kind of akward at first. Good luck to ya!
  • Have you tried a elliptical? Great workout for your Quads and the rest of your lower body. It also works your upper body, very low impact. It a gliding motion, no pounding. Takes a little getting use to. Once you build up your stamana it awesome!
  • Same problem here, I'm 5'1 and started at 126, after 3 weeks of pretty clean eating (cheat here and there) I manged to loose 3 pounds, my goal is 118 then maybe 112. Its hard I do weight training 5 days a week and cardio 7 days. I'm trying to be patient and I keep telling myself I didn't gain the 10 pounds in 2 months so…
  • It's confusing to me also, I very seldom eat my exercise calories!
  • I personally like to call it strengh training, I lift 5 days a week and take weekends off. Light weigh high reps. The scale may not go down as quickly as I would like it to, but I remind myself that I am trading fat for muscle. I like to lift the do my cardio. After 2 weeks I have lost 3 pounds and lost 1 inch in my waist…