charmedone10 Member


  • I did have my net calories @ 1400 and wasn't losing much. Last month I did Insanity the Asylum and raised my net calories to 1800. I am currently doing TurboFire/ Chalean Extreme hybrid! I lost 35lbs before MFP and another 30lbs since Sept. 2011. I have about 10 -15 more lbs to lose.
  • there are some great cookbooks. I have the NEW ABS DIET cookbook and have enjoyed everything we have made! As for exercise a lot of cardio and strength 2 to 3 time a week.
  • Welcome! This is a great site to help you. Congrats on your success so far!
  • Thanks to TF and CLX I have become a more fit person. I completed a 5k Sat. without having to stop for breaks. My time was 32 min. @ about 10 min/mile pace! Last year I ran it in 41 min with lots of rest. I can believe how good it felt to beat my goal. I wanted to at least shave off 5 min and with a lot of hard work I…
  • Week 5 of TF/CLX hybrid :heart: Mon.- Push circuit 1 + 3 mile run Tue.- Burn it off & Extreme Abs Wed.- Rest Day Thur.- Push circuit 2 + 3 mile run Fri.- Burn Intervals & Ab Buner Sat.- Push circuit 3 Sun.- Fire 45 EZ + 3 mile run
  • Hi My name is Emily. I finished CLX and doing a hybrid of TF/CLX. You can add me as a friend! Just remember that with CLX you are building muscle and muscle weigh more than fat. So it is great for toning & shaping and will take longer to lose weight then with cardio.
  • I have finished 1 round of CLX and now doing the Hybrid TF/CLX. You want to go heavier in weight for the push phase you only do 6-8 reps. you can always modify if you need to. The lean phase you go back to 10 -12 reps but do upper and lower body at the same time. so balance maybe an issue. Just remember to make note of the…
  • I am in the 2nd week of TF/CLX hybrid! A lot of AB work and stretching. I can't wait to get into the fire and HIIT workouts!
  • I just used the green band that came with CLX in the burn phase. I think if you use what you have and try to add extra resistance you will be good. Just keep moving and make it work for you! Good luck !
  • WTG! I just finished CLX and starting the Hybrid on monday!! I am also going to add some running for a 5K in May! Good luck with your Hybrid!
  • Got my Burn Circuit 2 in at 545am!! Love the feeling of being done working out by 630am-and anything else is just extra!! Loving this workout!! Next week.....PUSH PHASE! Can't wait! Awesome job! I Have 1 more workout then I am finished with my 1st round of CLX! I loved the push phase! thats when I got my bowflex weights so…
  • @callidreamr I have CLX and TF but not TJ. I've seen a sample workout from TJ. I believe TF is similar to TJ but maybe more intense and have added HIIT workouts. I love TF! I am going to do a hybrid of CLX and TF after I'm done with this round of CLX. only 4 weeks left!!! I wish you luck on your round of CLX!
  • I just finished week 3 of CLX Lean phase today! I just follow the schedule and add TF or running when I can. I am doing a 5K in May. I did the same one last year and excited to see how much I have improved over the year. I think Chalean is awesome and so motivating! Soulmate workout I think so!
  • Hi, my name is Emily and I am going to be 31 next month. I love TurboFire and currently in the Lean phase of CLX( which I also love)! I started my weight lost journey last march and my weight was around 210 lbs after 3 months of Weight Watchers, a round of Insanity, TF and currently doing CLX my current weight is 161 lbs.…
  • I have done Insanity and then TurboFire. These are programs through Beachbody and have a lot of cardio. MY favorite is TF because of the fast pace punching and kicking moves. The up beat music is a plus to get you moving. It may take time to get in sync with the routines but as long as your moving you will be burning the…
  • I totally agree! I don't mind how much I weigh as long as I am fit and toned! Thank you for posting this!
  • Thank you k2quiere!
  • I am fairly new to MFP and was wondering how you post your tracker on your post? Also I see several of you have customized your tracker for your team how did you find the stuff for that?
  • I'm super pumped to get started! Good luck everyone!
  • What an amazing difference! I also like the picture were you compared the jeans!
  • FitforLife
  • I like Fit for Life as our team name! I think if we could fit our team color into our team name that would be cool too!
  • Lets go Green Team!
  • Hi, My name Is Emily and I turned 30 this year! I have 2 beautiful daughters. I decided back in March I need to lose the extra weight after having my 2nd child. I have 40 lbs to go! I just finished a round of TurboFire. It is an awesome program. I just want to be fit & healthy, so I can teach my kids how to be fit and…