What CARDIO has helped you lose fat? Anyone?



  • High Interval Training 10-15 minutes x 3 a week
  • dgbiggz
    dgbiggz Posts: 25
    lost 112lbs. using my TREADMILL ONLY!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    At 5'6, 116 lbs and 18%BF... you need to see an optomotrist if you think you need to lose fat.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • SPINNING! Lost 30lbs doing it.

    yup- i'm addicted to spinning!
    and you will NOT get bulky lifting heavy, so do it.

    whats that
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    Just a thought and a good quick read I came across...

    Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. conducted a study in which 72 over weight individuals participated in an eight week exercise program. The participants were placed in two groups. The first group performed 30 minutes of endurance exercise on a stationary cycle. The second group performed only 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary cycle plus an additional 15 minutes on weight resistant exercises. At the conclusion of the study, the "endurance only" group lost a total of 3.5 lbs.; 3 lbs. of which was fat and a half pound was muscle loss. On the other hand, the "endurance and weight resistive" group lost 8 lbs. with an actual fat loss of 10 lbs. and an increase of 2 lbs. of lean body weight.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Why are you so damn terrified of gaining muscle? You mention this in nearly EVERY post you make. MUSCLE LOOKS SEXY AND IS NOT GOING TO HURT YOU.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Why are you so damn terrified of gaining muscle? You mention this in nearly EVERY post you make. MUSCLE LOOKS SEXY AND IS NOT GOING TO HURT YOU.

    apparently she is going for the waif look.
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Yes! Running is very effective so that is why it's my cardio of choice. Course, I like to mix it up to here and there and eat around 1200 calories each day. Best of luck!
  • winonajosephine
    winonajosephine Posts: 122 Member
    Just a thought and a good quick read I came across...

    Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. conducted a study in which 72 over weight individuals participated in an eight week exercise program. The participants were placed in two groups. The first group performed 30 minutes of endurance exercise on a stationary cycle. The second group performed only 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary cycle plus an additional 15 minutes on weight resistant exercises. At the conclusion of the study, the "endurance only" group lost a total of 3.5 lbs.; 3 lbs. of which was fat and a half pound was muscle loss. On the other hand, the "endurance and weight resistive" group lost 8 lbs. with an actual fat loss of 10 lbs. and an increase of 2 lbs. of lean body weight.

    hey this is a good one! Thats awesome! So its better to do both :) thanks!
  • meljaniya
    meljaniya Posts: 22
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I'm of the opinion that, if you're on a cardio machine and you're not changing the resistance or the speed regularly (HIIT), but just plodding along at the same pace and intensity, you're kind of wasting your time... Bust it hardcore, then recover. Your metabolism will be scorching for the next few hours.
  • charmedone10
    charmedone10 Posts: 33 Member
    I have done Insanity and then TurboFire. These are programs through Beachbody and have a lot of cardio. MY favorite is TF because of the fast pace punching and kicking moves. The up beat music is a plus to get you moving. It may take time to get in sync with the routines but as long as your moving you will be burning the fat!
  • hymiesmom1
    hymiesmom1 Posts: 11 Member
    [bodyrock.tv, kickboxing, zumba. Lost an insane amount of inches in 2 months from that combo. ]

    Isn't Bodyrock great! I love the workouts AND the eye candy...they are all georgous!
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I have noticed that all of the women at the gym who regularly do the Zumba glass have lost weight! And some have lost quite a bit.
  • I think you need counselling....you dont need to lose ANY weight!!!!
  • marbly
    marbly Posts: 103
    Elliptical (HIIT), walking, running for me. I started out at 25.6% BF and now, I'm 22% BF, lost 4 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips. Hoping to get down to <20% BF by GW.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Running and brisk walking has helped with the calorie deficit which in turn helps me to lose fat.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    SPINNING! Lost 30lbs doing it.

    yup- i'm addicted to spinning!
    and you will NOT get bulky lifting heavy, so do it.

    whats that

    cycling classes.. riding at different intensities, standing up, 2 inch hovers, frontward, backward, 'hills'..
    it's great.
  • marbly
    marbly Posts: 103
    Oh, okay, did not notice your actual stats. You look good already and have a low BF%. If you're afraid of gaining huge muscles (psychologically), try doing light weights and high reps (not more than 15) - it would be a slower process to getting a toned look than lifting heavy but you will get there eventually. From what I've read, this works on a long term basis.
  • What CARDIO has helped you lose muscle? Anyone?

    Long endurance (exceeding 60 minutes in a single session without restoring positive nitrogen balance) cardio. Whether it's biking, running, jumping rope, etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    What is positive nitrogen balance?