jencupkey Member


  • That sounds like a good plan flpslp87! I would love to hear about the mistakes you found... This is my first time reading / following this book. :-)
  • My SMART Goal Name: Jen Goal: Do all of the recommended cardio for week 1 of the Shred Challenge - 5 days of cardio 30-45 minutes per day, depending on the day) Is it a SMART Goal? S - Yes, it is specific! M - Measured in time A - Attainable? Yep, get your rear to the gym! R - Very relavant - great way to get the first…
  • Good morning shredders! I am starting this 6-week challenge today, 7/8/13 and am hoping to see a drastic change on the scale and in the mirror! I am happy to report that I have started off the challenge with a bang... did all of my grocery shopping yesterday so no excuses there, went to a Zumba class this morning so I have…
  • This is my first time trying the shred diet.... I saw it on dr. Oz and though it would be a great way to jump start a much needed healthy eating plan! Thanks for joining me on this journey, I look forward to working my butt off (literally!) with all of you!! :-)