pirateDeb Member


  • BAH! Callous remarks and heavy sarcasm make not an evil person, Just a tough skinned person that is difficult to one up :)
  • wish there was a like button
  • since everyone is sharing...
  • BTW, we are all over here now... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/468528-awesome-husbands :tongue:
  • Dont tell him I said this(cant have his ego getting too big now), but hes pretty great. Works 60 hour weeks to bring home the bacon, and lets me run the house as well. Helps me when I need it, gets out of my way when I dont. Manages our finances, and secretly cares and worries for my kitties, especially the oldest who is…
  • Long story short ladies, YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO RELY ON OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. People are what YOU make of them. Your husband is not there to make you happy, or tell you what you want to hear. He is there to do HIS best to support you, and join you in happiness. He is to help fufill your life, not be your life.…
  • :laugh: TRUE!
  • I keep telling him that! He just keeps shaking his head disapprovingly!
  • Women are crazy.
  • Mine never wants to know about my poop :( I tell him anyway :D
  • Hey, I'm honest :D
  • I kind of agree. Women drive me NUTS! What do you want to hear? Tell your husbands what you expect from them before getting angry with em! Dont bash them for having an honest response! Honesty is something I value more than modesty, tact, feelings, or pretty much anything. And I never EVER punish him or get mad at him…
  • She is right, you know what the issue is, so turn it around for yourself. Its gotten to the point with me where I have replaced MOST of the binging habits with exercise. I still slip (that time of the month is TERRIBLE because of mood swings), but for the most part I can channel it where it needs to go. It is so important…
  • YES, I TOTALLY GET THAT!! I think about how huge I got, and how i need to learn to control myself, and while I am doing so I am stuffing my face, even though I dont want to. Stick with using this calorie tracker. What I did personally, is I used it for a few weeks without trying to control myself, seeing things written out…
  • I can help! I am an emotional eater too... to be honest, I am pretty sure I have Binge Eating Disorder. Its BAD, lol. My BED though is heavily linked into my emotions. I eat because I am stressed, I eat because I am upset, I eat because I am happy, or bored, and so on. What kind of triggers do you have?
  • Woah! That is pretty freakin SWEET!
  • This chart does not surprise me. I was 250 at 5'7". WAY in the obese range, almost morbidly. I carried it well though, and locally, I was probably average looking, especially in the restaurant business. It wasn't until a vacation I saw some profile pictures of me, and I looked pregnant with triplets. It didn't take long…
  • I hear you, I work two restaurants. I open the first and close the second. I wake up, go to work, have about 2 hours between shifts in which I nap and can make it the rest of the night. Its TERRIBLE. Basically I suck it up, take advantage of power naps, and wake up extra early to go to my gym(open 24hours baby woo). I am…
  • Tiger lilly! So wonderful to find someone else that is surrounded by food all the time and cant help it! haha I dont watch TV ever, when I do, its usually at the food network, or whatever is on at the gym. I do think I will make the time for this show though. As I said, maybe I could learn something!
  • The first 10 lbs are the easiest. After that, you will loose slower (1-2 lbs per week) If you want to keep things moving and not plateau, you need to mix it up a bit. Keep your calorie goal in mind, but make sure you dont eat the same things all the time. Mix up your exercise as well, mix up your cardio type, for…
  • Yay! I am glad someone else is!
  • Potatoes. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew... YECH... Fried, grilled, toasted, dehydrated, with cheese, bacon, sour cream, butter, garlic, pepper, chives, YECH Hate all potatoes.