Fat Chef on Food Network

pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member
Anyone else interested in the premier of Fat Chef on the Food network tomorrow? http://www.foodnetwork.com/fat-chef/index.html

I am a career line cook, with hopes of some day being more than just a Chef de Partie, and actually running a kitchen or owning a restaurant. Seeing as how I am surrounded by food all of the time, starving is the least of my worries, hence my membership here. Until I started keeping track of my eating habits, I ballooned up to 250, and kept going, lol (I carried it well, but still too much for a 5'7" woman). Its a daily struggle and challenge to loose weight when your job is to prepare food.

In any case, I LOATHE reality shows. HATE them. But this one piques my interest because I hope to learn something from it, or at least be able to empathize. and not feel so alone, lol....

Anyone else interested? Anyone else on here work in the foodservice industry and can relate?


  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    I'm not in the food industry, but I'm obsessed with any show that has to do with food. I also love The Biggest Loser, so I'm am definitely looking forward to Fat Chef :)
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member
    Yay! I am glad someone else is!
  • tigerlily_82
    tigerlily_82 Posts: 41 Member
    Another line cook here :) I CAN"T wait for that show, lol! I'm 5'7" as well so it seems like we have alot in common! I'm not a huge reality tv person either but I like to watch shows about weight issues because I can relate, plus I'm a sucker for food network!
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    I watch the food and travel channels like it's my religion.
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member
    Tiger lilly! So wonderful to find someone else that is surrounded by food all the time and cant help it! haha

    I dont watch TV ever, when I do, its usually at the food network, or whatever is on at the gym. I do think I will make the time for this show though. As I said, maybe I could learn something!
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    I am siked, my brother is one of the chefs on there, he owns the pizzeria in brooklyn. my sister lynda was his support and my mom and sister told me it was no joke, they really pushed them and my brother loved every minute of it. Its funny cause my other brother just finished taping chopped and it will air in march.. all four of us are cooking manics but me and my sister never took it further then our own kitchen LOL
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I am siked, my brother is one of the chefs on there, he owns the pizzeria in brooklyn. my sister lynda was his support and my mom and sister told me it was no joke, they really pushed them and my brother loved every minute of it. Its funny cause my other brother just finished taping chopped and it will air in march.. all four of us are cooking manics but me and my sister never took it further then our own kitchen LOL

    That's really awesome! I am addicted to chopped.
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    HAHA me too, I about had a heartattack when my mom called and my bro was picked haha
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member
    Woah! That is pretty freakin SWEET!