jcb1958 Member


  • Yep, I use an unbleached coffee filter. After 24 hours, it's thick enough to spread, so I add cinnamon & Stevia. Jacquie
  • If you like Mexican food, try Marzetti's fat free Southwestern dip. It is in the fresh veggie department - creamy, a big spicy. I've also found using bottled Thai Peanut Sauce to be great on salads. It has a spicy, smoky taste that really jazzes up food. Jacquie
  • Must jump in & post a warning about any of the sweeteners that end in "itol". For a lot of folks, it is a potent laxative. I was diagnosed with IBS for years until I read a warning about it being used in kids cold medicine & causing this symptom. I read labels in the house & found I was having a sugar free fudge bar daily.…
  • I do the coffee & tea in AM, but have to watch the caffeine later in the day. Today's flavor of water was orange - very refreshing. J
  • No sodium. Water is carbonated through a CO2 cartridge. I use water from the Britta filter.
  • I solved the problem with frozen Chocolate Fudge Sticks, Great Value brand from WalMart. Not sugar free because I can't handle any of the "itol" sweeteners usually used in SF items. Warning - the WFP database has 2 entries for this. The 1st one is correct - portion for TWO bars is 130 calories. 2nd entry has ONE bar for…
  • I just posted this on another board. They have recipes that anyone watching calories/fat could enjoy.
  • Same with me. Once in a while I get a hunger for pizza & at least the frozen variety give the me nutritional info. Never get that at local pizza place. I keep frozen chopped onions & green peppers handy, give them a quick rinse to thaw, dry off, then put on top of frozen pizza, plus 1/2 cup of canned mushrooms & maybe…
  • I watch the sodium on everything - always reading labels. If I added up the sodium in deli meat, cheese & dressing it would come out the same as some frozen meals. I always have leftover cooked veggies from dinner, so I stir them into the meals. BTW - have you read the latest medical study that found cutting back sodium…
  • Thanks for the compliment. I'm 71, still trying to have fun, mostly on my red Schwinn scooter when weather is warm. I'm in mid-IL, so it's packed away for the Winter.
  • We have 2 bunches of grandkids - older 6 (4 inherited through kids marriage) are either married or engaged, younger 2 are just 9 & 11 . Total of 9 great grands (5 inherited through marriage kids marriage). Our newer DIL & her kids are all thin as rails. Ladies in our bloodline tend to be "fluffy".
  • How do I add a pix?