

  • to lose my weight, I started with my fitness pal and a drug store pedometer. I logged all I ate, cut out between meal snacks and was almost religious about portion size. I made sure to drink at least 8 cups of water/day. Eventually I upgraded to a fitbit ultra (last Father's day). For me, the cutting out of between meal…
  • Always listen to your gut. We have evolved for millions of years to have a sense of when things don't feel right. Back in the day, the cavemen who didn't listen to their gut could be eaten by a saber tooth tiger. Now, the danger out there just looks different. I'm not saying people should be afraid of their own shadows,…
  • Congratulations to you. I'm not sure if you are twice or four times the man I am. In the past year I've lost 33 lbs, and ran a 5k this morning. You are 100% spot on, the human body is an amazing machine, constantly showing us that our biggest limitaton is the mind.
  • congratulations! You are spot on with your realization this is a lifestyle change, you can (and likely will - I know I have) have days where you don't hit your goals, but, in the big picture, if you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight. Also, you may want to invest in a body fat scale, because there will be a…
  • Great story. I am always amazed at how much fruit you get for little calories - you can have a bowl of cantaloupe for less calories than an ounce of sun chips. Since I started this journey, I'm in a similar situation as you - no food ever left on the plate, because I want to eat each calorie that is getting logged. Portion…
  • I agree that everyone deserves a cheat day, and, the big picture is what matters -- if you are spending more calories than you are taking in, then, you will lose weight. I travel a lot for work so I understand the challenges of eating healthy when you are at the mercy of restaurants to prepare your food. What I normally do…
  • I had a chocolate chip cookie and a alice of apple dessert pizza at lunchtime. I figure, if I can't allow myself some little treats, I'm bound to fail miserably. In the grand scheme, days that go over calorie total tend to balance out with days that remain under.
  • The wierdest...it called me a "stepgeek"
  • I'm a fan of DQ, but, normally choose the small chocolate dipped cone for a sweet treat. However, hitting the calorie goal is the goal, I don't say 'no' to dessert, but, I've lost the weight I've lost due to saying 'no' to between meal snacking.
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