My S/o Makes it hard ;-)

..... not what you're thinking lol.

I live in Pittsburgh and the love of my life lives in Erie. The whole long distance thing sucks, but we are getting by, without to much trouble. We alternate visits every few weeks. Dont get me wrong I have a blast when she is around. The only downfall of these trips, beside the unstoppable goodbye at the end is FOOD. Not only is portion control a problem, but the food we eat is unhealthy. We go out to eat for over half of our meals, becuase we are out seeing the sights or adventuring.... or dinking. She is coming into town today and im gonna try my best to be a good boy this weekend... at least food wise :laugh: . After tonight i will have gone all week under my calorie goal. Is it ok to let loose these tommorow ( the start of my weekend... worked sat &sun)? Im not talking about going crazy but a few cals over?

Just wanted opinions on the matter. I really want to know if anyone else has this problem.... the eating and not the distance works too.

Cheers :drinker:


  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
    Everyone deserves a cheat day, as long as its not everyday ;)
  • catch622
    catch622 Posts: 18
    i was in the same boat really, GF lived 100 or so miles away while I was studying at university... and we'd eat horrible whenever we would see eachother. Since then we're much closer now, and I'm made it very clear to her that I'm done eating badly except one meal or day per week.

    One day a week is not really going to harm you. I have one cheat meal generally, and I use it as a reward for staying on track that week. The trick is to not allow that cheat meal to turn into 2 meals, and on and on. It's very difficult sometimes.
  • elenakristine
    elenakristine Posts: 29 Member
    As long as you feel like its worth it and you can work with the calories, I think you should enjoy yourself and the time you have together with your gf:)
  • falewis
    falewis Posts: 10
    I agree that everyone deserves a cheat day, and, the big picture is what matters -- if you are spending more calories than you are taking in, then, you will lose weight.

    I travel a lot for work so I understand the challenges of eating healthy when you are at the mercy of restaurants to prepare your food. What I normally do is eat a salad (with a light dressing, usually lite balsamic) for lunch. It really is amazing how much salad you can eat for a very small calorie cost. Depending, I may add a protein to the salad (shrimp or salmon - my wife and I don't eat meat or fowl).

    Rememeber, we all have good days and bad days, do your best and don't beat yourself up when you have a day or 2 of going over the calorie goal. We are human, we all stumble and fall, but, the key is to keep trying.