nikka488 Member


  • Not all of us are on here to lose weight. I'm in the same boat. My daily goal is 2530 cal NET a day. I eat a ton, but eating clean is MUCH harder to fill all of those calorie requirements. Some days I have to eat 3500 calories to get to where I want to be. Often I find I have to eat something like 1800 calories for dinner.…
  • I agree. I think at the end of the day it's calories in vs. calories out. My final meal of the day tends to be between 1100-1400 calories. Granted I eat a lot per day (~2800 calories) but I always find my last meal of the day a catch up on my daily goal/nutritional requirements. My days tend to look like this: ~375…
  • Give it a little time. No need to ramp it all up at once. I second nuts (almonds). That 'full' feeling will dissipate.
  • There are many different schools of thought when it comes to losing weight/ the right ratio of carbs/protein/fat, and calorie requirements. Here are some things I've noticed that make the biggest difference for me: 1. Shock the body. Don't do the same workout week in and week out. Your body is a well oiled machine and will…
  • I start with 3/4 a scoop of Premier Protein Vanilla powder in my black coffee, a banana, and some 'Better Than Peanut Butter' as soon as I wake up. Then I get shower & get ready for work. Before I leave the house I have 1 egg white, 1 egg w/ Yolk, 2 cups of baby spinach, and either some sweet potato or half a low carb…
  • Great job. The #1 secret is consistency. Just keep moving forward and you'll get to where you want to be. But don't forget to pat yourself on the back. You've earned it.
  • I cut out almost all diet soda a couple of years ago as well. But instead of cutting it out totally I allow myself to have it as a treat when I go out to eat. I have two throw away meals a week where I can eat whatever I want. Part of that is a diet soda. In terms of energy I've just exchanged my daily diet soda intake to…
  • There are so many conflicting 'guides' as to what to eat I find. I find myself generally in a calorie deficit most days due to my workout routines. I'm actually trying to gain more muscle, so I need to net 2500+ calories a day. I eat about 3000+ and find that incredible hard. (I eat as clean as possible). Lately I net…