Salt, pepper for flavor and maybe a bit of real oil. More heat and stir them around every ten minutes - sometimes they can get soggy.
You look fantastic. Keep your eyes on the prize!
Dawn, I am so, SO proud of you. Seriously. You rock ... Unless you bonked your head and have amnesia, which is causing you to turn down cupcakes. In which case, you should get that checked out ... in maybe 3-4 months! :-) Nice job!
circuit training (under cardio)
I think it is up to you. I am trying to soldier through every day no stops. Whenever I take a break o slack off, I think of Jillian saying how you don't get a break since it is only 20 minutes. That gets me going again!
Hey. You stay on track doing what you're doing right now, which is working very very well for you. When I have done the whole 30 days, I will buy you a copy as a Christmas present and you can start it then, okay?
Ouch. Hope you're recovering well.
Thanks for the tip! I just joined the Group!
I just started two days ago.
I'm in. I have three girls: Hazel is 4 Vivian is 2.5 Clara is 10 months. I weigh 191 lbs. and would like to reach 165 lbs.
Uggh. I've been there too. I had a pang of self-recognition when I read this. Gorging on food ... mindlessly eating. And one I'm particularly not proud of ... sneaking food behind my family's back. I don't know what to say except keep on going, hang on, this too shall pass.
Absolutely. That is where my weig shows up ... and sticks around ... the longest too. But in those cases where I've lost 20 lbs. or so, I can definitely do see a difference. Face fat is no fun! While the benefit of looking younger is great, I hate that it enhances the fatness factor!