C25k is awesome! Great place to start. As for treadmill vs outdoor....I started on the treadmill in my living room because the weather was nasty and, to be honest, I was embarrassed by my body. I was afraid people would judge my bouncing belly. However, I started running outside once the weather got nicer and I had lost…
It's so nice to see another "big guy" runner out there. I started, back in January, training for a half marathon. When I started, I weighed 219 at 5'9" and could barely get through a couple miles without stopping. Now, I come in at 207 and I finished my 3rd solo 10k. Have you gotten addicted to running outside yet? Good…
Stationed at Travis AFB and looking for a running partner if any of you folks are in the area.
Sigourney Weaver in Alien 3. 'Nuff said.
You beat Sarah Palin, P-Diddy, George W. Bush and Katie Holms' times. Great job!
According to my heartrate monitor, I run off 1500 for an hour long 10k.
I juice veggies (with some fruit for flavor) for breakfast and I add unflavored whey protine powder to it. I actually do two a day. Breakfast: 3-4 large leaves of Kale, 3-4 large leaves of Swiss Chard, 3-4 medium (6-8 inch) carrots, 15-20 sprigs of Parsley and 2 medium green apples (or you can substitue pears). Post…
Don't play with it, you'll go blind! OP: Great NSV. Keep running! As a newish runner myself, your first runners high will be a life changing experience!
Just wear a long shirt over the smaller suit. If you feel comfortable later on, then you can just take it off.
Compression underwear and bodyglide are life savers on long runs. Also, for anything over 45 mins, I recommend taping the nipples. Medical tape works well, as do bandaids. If nothing else, any kind of tape that will stick to your sweat soaked skin for a while. Also, Bodyglide.<
Sorry. I honestly wasn't even aware it was St David's day. I'm not in the least religious though so....I am, however, a nerd. ^_^
Good luck and let us know how you do!
Amazing. I know what you mean about the weight creeping up on you like that. Congrats and I hope I'm as successfull.
Congrats! It's always nice when people tell you that you look thinner without prompting. ^_^ Keep it up!
Push-Ups: 59 in a minute Sit-ups: 58 in a minute I've never had much trouble there, I'm just not a good runner. I'll get there though.
Every 6 months. I just decided in December that I didn't want to panic every 6 months any more. The max time before I fail is 13:36 so I was really close. :-P
You guys are amazing! I only posted this 15 minutes ago. Thank you all!
That's what the wife said?
I know what time the narwhal bacons. o_O
I am a different type of "block head" I'm a big supporter of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed of dog. They got a bad rap from news outlets that didn't do their fact checking. My dog Leo is a 71 lbs. Pit/Lab mix and the biggest baby ever. He's also my best friend and pseudo-child. ^_^
You should check out The Agonist for a similar style. Also, if you don't mind a band that doesn't take itself too seriously, iwrestledabearonce is amazing.
I recomend Light This City and Suicide Silence as well. ^_^
I actually just got over something similar. I bought one of these: If that doesn't work, search McDavid Calf Support on Sports Authority's webpage. I just wore it after I ran and whenever my calf was bothering…