JayBet98 Member


  • Wow, thank you ALL so much for taking the time to reply. I think I just realized I may have been looking for "permission" to choose sleep over a workout. I am constantly having to remind myself that I may have to make adjustments, and that I'm no longer the 27 year old that can get up at 4 am to hit the treadmill while the…
  • I have thought of this, but our family budget is kind of stretched to the limit at the moment...That's the main reason I'm working from home 2 days/week--so we don't have to pay for child care while my husband is in class...we will have to go this route in about 6 months though when his class load picks up!
  • It's the same consistency as regular yogurt. I read about it in Jillian Michael's "Making the Cut." It's high in protein and low in fat. I just got the plain because you get more for your buck, but they also have flavored cups. I got mine at Fresh and Easy , and I'm sure Trader Joe's carries it.:wink:
  • Last night I was "experimenting" in the kitchen, and came up with a creation that left me feeling like I just ate dessert for breakfast! This is going to be a favorite in my house I think! I'm going to call it "Greek Jello Mousse"!!! It's TOO easy, so here's my little creation: Ingredients -1 package (8 serving size) sugar…
  • I just had an off day myself yesterday...you just have to treat each day as a fresh new one, and don't let those off the wagon days serve as an excuse to ruin the next day, or the rest of the week, or the month (that is one of my bad habits I'm working hard on)...I often would say, "Oh well, I blew it today, might as well…
  • I like that idea too! I have had good luck with the variation of calories as well. Thanks all for the input!
  • Hi, I'm fairly new, and have been reading the posts about eating your exercise calories...I just have a quick question...I often can only work out at night after all the fam has hit the sack...for those that do the same, do you "project" or guess at what your exercise will be and then eat those calories (becuase I…