2 days off the wagon :(

So I wasn't seeing real results after 3 weeks of hard work (gained back what I had lost, even though I was strict with my calories)... and so I totally fell off the wagon for 2 days. I didn't even bother to record my food diary yesterday or the day before. I'm sure I went over my calories. I didn't go CRAZY with food, but I certainly wasn't conscientious at all. I'm really disappointed, because I was totally dedicated to this. But I'm doing a "U turn" as they say, so hopefully I'll get back on track. How do I stop myself from doing this again??


  • Lo153
    Lo153 Posts: 34 Member
    So I wasn't seeing real results after 3 weeks of hard work (gained back what I had lost, even though I was strict with my calories)... and so I totally fell off the wagon for 2 days. I didn't even bother to record my food diary yesterday or the day before. I'm sure I went over my calories. I didn't go CRAZY with food, but I certainly wasn't conscientious at all. I'm really disappointed, because I was totally dedicated to this. But I'm doing a "U turn" as they say, so hopefully I'll get back on track. How do I stop myself from doing this again??
  • KLS10
    KLS10 Posts: 127
    I didn't log my food for Monday and Tuesday and let me tell you, I went crazy. I comepletely screwed up all the hard work that I had been doing the previous 3 weeks, but I went and got on the treadmill last night and it felt good. I think you just need to remember that you started this for a reason and you want to feel good and honestly a good run is going to feel a lot better then some french fries- maybe not at first thought but once you get the run over with you will feel good about yourself whereas after your done with the fries you feel horrible about yourself. I know its hard but if you hop back on the wagon now 2 days isn't going to kill you and you can start over!
    PS are you drinking water? I wasnt drinking any and it has helped tons! So if I were you drink a TON of water and see what happens!
  • JayBet98
    JayBet98 Posts: 10 Member
    I just had an off day myself yesterday...you just have to treat each day as a fresh new one, and don't let those off the wagon days serve as an excuse to ruin the next day, or the rest of the week, or the month (that is one of my bad habits I'm working hard on)...I often would say, "Oh well, I blew it today, might as well "cheat" the rest of the week. Then the week turns into a month, and so on!

    Stay strong, you can do it!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Are you sure you haven't lost inches? The scale can be a ***** thats for sure! Just keep at it, you will see results in time, it's probably because you don't have much weight to lose, don't get down though!

  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    At least it was 2 days and not 2 weeks!! On sat I did well, but went out and drank too much..so sunday I ate bad... I logged everything I ate, and although I didnt do too bad, I was really mad at myself.. Everytime I want to eat bad, I just think about how much that screws me, and it helps
  • marc4
    marc4 Posts: 79
    I'm so with you ......I was also doing extremely well......then I was seeing the same numbers on this stupid scale and my disappointment got the better of me........

    I think we just have to allow ourselves those couple of days and jump right back into it......keep reading these posts though.....and maybe someone has some really really good advice out there!!!!!!

    keep strong.......


  • marc4
    marc4 Posts: 79
    Wow !!!! the reponses are so quick in coming.........awesome.......shows how many good and decent people there are in the world!!!!!

    I :heart: THIS SITE!!!!!

  • jelee18
    jelee18 Posts: 46
    Slipping up for a day or two will not undue weeks, months, or years of hard work. You're human, it happens. What will set you apart is whether or not you get back on track. For plenty of people it takes weeks and sometimes months to see results, but generally, when you do see them, they start coming fast and furious. Remember why you set out to do this in the 1st place and keep moving forward, challenging yourself with new excercises and meal ideas.
  • greeneyedgirl829
    It okay to make little mistakes, as long as you know how to pick yourself up from them, which you definately seem to :flowerforyou: I'm learning to let the little ones go too and come back and try again. There used to be a time when if I fell off the wagon I would not only fall off the wagon, but flip it, burn it, and dance around it's remains hehehehehe (to coin some mental imagery from a fellow poster :bigsmile: ). But hey, you can do this, keep up the good work!!!
  • Lo153
    Lo153 Posts: 34 Member
    You guys are wonderful :heart:

    Thank you so much for the support and advice! I haven't been drinking enough water, so that's goal # 1 for today. And I'm gonna get on my Gazelle as soon as I post this (I know... it's kinda cheesy, but I couldn't afford an elliptical, haha).

    Thank you all so much... I feel better :smile:
  • Summarain
    Summarain Posts: 145
    Yes, 2 day could quickly turn into a month, or two, or whatever...it could start a downward spiral. The good thing is that you dont want to go that route, otherwise you wouldnt have posted a topic about it...that shows your self motivation right there! You reached out for help.

    Girl, I'm on my period now and i'm too scared to log in what i had the last 2 days. I had a semi-high caloric breakfast today, but for lunch i will do much better and for dinner much better and then i will make sure to get my exercise in (30 day shred baby!). Just get back on the horse and keep it moving. Believe me, I've been there....wanting to feel like giving up cuz i screwed up, but if you keep doing that, you will never get anywhere and will have fasely convinced yourself that "dieting doesnt work".

    Good job in looking for a helping hand!:flowerforyou: