

  • Just keep a physical food diary and figure out what you use the most in the gym, look them up on cardio and see how many calories the time you do it for burns and jot it down. :)
  • Gnocchi is delicious with pesto, mmmm! Jealous.
  • I really do try to get calcium, potassium's a problem though. I eat bananas but I need to look up what other foods are potassium-rich. Thank you for the advice x
  • Aw, thank you both. I don't think I actually put in to my goals that my goal was to lose 30 lbs though :| I think it must've predicted that from what I logged in. I don't think I am pretty at all! Forever hiding behind black and white, haha. Also, I'm 5 ft 3. A short'un.
  • Thing is, I know my doctor won't appreciate that I'm trying to lose weight. That's the main problem really... If I was trying to put weight on, I'd feel that more people would understand, professionals included :\ It's difficult. Haha, the second bit made me laugh. x
  • Thank you both for taking the time to write this. craft338, thank you for the suggestions. I don't think the answer is me making my portions bigger immediately because that just makes me bloated and awful! I absolutely love avocado and olives, though, so I will add them to my meals as much as I can :)
  • Sorry honey, I only replied to a few yesterday because I was short of time! Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate it, I just don't think I'm in the frame of mind of an anorexic... I may be wrong, I guess I just look at the really badly anorexic girls (and boys) and their attitudes and just think that's not me. I…
  • I meant that I'd need to exercise more to even feel hungry enough for that much more food, not that I'd feel compelled to exercise more to deserve it. I must have not been clear in my wording. Thank you
  • I never go a day without food and try to spread my food throughout the day. Many thanks to you and to Dexy's answer for the food suggestions- I'm actually having pasta tonight! Yum. Not keen on walnuts but might give them another try... I eat lots of pumpkin seeds... Thanks very much for your answer, it's very difficult…
  • Thank you for your informative answer. I don't struggle very much with energy very often- about an hour before I go to the gym, if I'm feeling tired I have some granola and yoghurt and it gives me a boost. Before this year, I did not exercise very often so maybe it'll take a while to have more of an appetite. When I do, I…
  • arewethereyet- That is the most fun answer! :D Ta x
  • I practice Transcendental Meditation (TM). :)
  • Hiya, feel free to add me I'm new too :)