addicted to this site....

Is there any one else that is addicted to this site?

I have found, since i found it, i log everything! i don't miss a day or meal or snack,etc The thing is i am going away on vacation for 10days and will not have access to the internet. AHHHHHH The hotel does have a great gym ( thank god) but i know my eating will be off and i am trying so hard to loose weight i feel if i won't have the opportunity to log it i will eat too much, etc...I am just learning what is a better choice over other things still and i know i will make a lot of wrong choices on holidays. I feel bad that my diary will be empty for 10 days :( am i crazy for thinking this way?


  • lekelly1
    Just keep a physical food diary and figure out what you use the most in the gym, look them up on cardio and see how many calories the time you do it for burns and jot it down. :)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thx, that is what i kinda figured but i didn't want to be obsessing about it on holidays like i do at especially b/c some time we will be out and about and most foods i will be eating i will have no idea what the nutritional facts would be for them. I will just try to be "smart" about my choices but there are so many times when you are fooled thinking you are eating healthy and your actually far from it, i could of had that burger instead, right...
  • ValeriChristine
    ValeriChristine Posts: 5 Member
    I'm the same. So glad I have the MPF app on my phone so I can still record even when I'm not at home.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    ya i plan on doing that too in the new year when i get a new phone but i'll be in meixco and won't have access to the internet at all as i won't pay for it while on holidays :P
  • Pooker89
    Pooker89 Posts: 154 Member
    Is there any one else that is addicted to this site?

    I have found, since i found it, i log everything! i don't miss a day or meal or snack,etc The thing is i am going away on vacation for 10days and will not have access to the internet. AHHHHHH The hotel does have a great gym ( thank god) but i know my eating will be off and i am trying so hard to loose weight i feel if i won't have the opportunity to log it i will eat too much, etc...I am just learning what is a better choice over other things still and i know i will make a lot of wrong choices on holidays. I feel bad that my diary will be empty for 10 days :( am i crazy for thinking this way?

    Keep a food log on paper, that way you are still keeping track and when you get back you can always fill in your food log and other stuff without feeling guilty that you missed it. =)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    but i won't know the nutritional facts of most of what i eat though.....
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I'm addicted to this site, too. :) Haha, I'd probably just have to find an internet connection... I can't imagine 10 days without the internet!

    Haha, it's on my bucket list to be away from my computer and internet for a whole week sometime in the next year. That sounds really difficult! :)
  • kvreeken
    kvreeken Posts: 137 Member
    Stick to the same types of meals you eat now. Don't worry so about what you as HOW MUCH you eat. Your on vacation, indulge a little and get back on track the day you get home. Have fun!!
  • kvreeken
    kvreeken Posts: 137 Member
    Stick to the same types of meals you eat now. Don't worry so about what you as HOW MUCH you eat. Your on vacation, indulge a little and get back on track the day you get home. Have fun!!
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Studies have shown that weight loss is successful when you document what you eat, not necessarily when you count calories.
    By writing down what you are eating you are still going to see similar results. It is amazing when you are aware of just what and how much you are putting into your body. SO...use a paper log, and remember that MFP is not a god and it is ok if you miss 10 days. It will be here when you get back.
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    don't feel bad I think I am addicted too! I love being able to log all the calories, but I am even more addicted to my friends here. Have met pretty cool people so I find myself logging on just to say hi to everyone. Funny enough, I am about to go on vaca myself and I made sure I had internet access mainly for MFP lol
  • Pooker89
    Pooker89 Posts: 154 Member
    Even if you don't know the cal's of everything you can still write it down and when you get home you can always look up similar dishes or even look at the places you go out to eat a lot of them will have the nutrition on websites and stuff. It will take a little work but you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i know they have it at the resort ( internet) but you have to pay and usually it's a bit too expensive. plus i think i will drive my hubby crazy and spend time of something when i should be relaxing! That 's the reason for holidays right :) i just find every time we have gone to Mexico i can do great with breakfasts( always fresh fruit, oatmeal, omelets), lunch is more of a challange because usualyl at teh beach grill it's more fast food type of foods.....Then dinner i can eat a bit better,chicken, steak, etc. I find that either there is a lot of fried items offered or it's things i never eat at home that i want to indulge in since i only get them while away on holidays but i have no idea of nutritional facts. I know most of them are probably far from healthy! It's so hard now to make the right choice never mind when your on holidays eating different foods ( even just picking the right type of salad isn't always that easy or dressing). My whole point of this and me being concerned about it, is i have ALWAYS gained weight on holidays sometimes 5-7 lbs. Since i have only lost 2.2 lbs since Oct 22nd with tons of hard work just to get ride of those stinken 2.2 lbs.. i don't know how i am not going to gain while away? I know i will stay away from nachos daily , etc unlike i used to but i want to have lots of drinks too and not worry about how many calories are in them but yet not gain weight because of drinks... ahhhhh it's so hard! maybe i will just have to buy some internet minutes and just log on every other day? i don't know....